Generally, I won't say I did well. But I was pretty impressed at myself when answering certain questions. Of course I am stressed up over how much stuttering and pauses I inadvertently did due to my hesitation - well at least it shows that I take the effort to think through and ruminate my thoughts?
This marks the end of my quest for NUS Medicine. I sincerely hoped I made an impact on my interviewers, because that is what will make me the 1 in 3 rather than the 2 in 3. Gosh! This is really really very stressful. Not that I need to worry now, but can you imagine your week's worth of preparation all boils down to this 1 hour. Its literally a sales pitch - which I sucked at real bad. Please... let me get in!
I was damn anxious la before the interview. Like my legs and my hands would spontaneously tremble *shiver shiver* without me realising it. It was pretty scary. But kudos to my mp3, which was on ever since I left my house. Really calmed me down. I think my fear and anxiety was due to my innate inability in speaking? Well if you have read my previous post, and if you know me as a person you would understand.
Memorable moments
1. So why should we pick you and not others to be a doctor?
The run-of-the-mill yet most challenging question. Furthermore this has to be my entry question? In fact I do not really have an absolutely-can-convince-even-myself answer. But since it is asked anyway, here goes.
First I talked about what is to be a doctor. Then I went to emphasise or
2. How do you face uncertainties?
Quite an interesting question, since I was talking about my research background. You won't really expect this eh? And obviously I didn't prepare for this. So I talked about how experience is something which I can gain, and its not too bad gaining experience. Furthermore I showed them how we can look at two sides of a coin, for instance failure to prove a thesis right can possibly mean that the thesis is wrong/incorrect in the first place! Overall I was pretty happy with my answer, but on the bus I thought of something else which would be nicer and crispier.
3. What is your weakness?
A really standard question that is universal to any interview, yet also a tough one. My answer was also pretty tricky, because the weakness that I wanted to talk about is directly related to my interview - which is me being imprecise. (I added that due to this my GP got B and they grinned =/) Of course I added that I am trying to improve it, but speaking shorter sentences and stuff. Sad thing is I think I kind of rambled alot and repeated myself during the interview, which clearly demonstrates my weakness?
4. If your male colleague, who is your best friend, is found to have placed a camera in the female toilet, and whose licence has been revoked by the SMC, is now trying to get you to co-sign an appeal to the SMC to get back his licence, what will you do? Your colleague is well respected and well-liked by his colleagues.
I feared this the most. Well, I thought I was prepared for it, since I have read up on guidelines and even the SMC's ethical code! (Well why did I forget about the code during the interview!!! :( ) Seriously, it was this time when I suddenly felt damn heavy headed, like want to fall off the chair like that. Serious! If I could I would asked them to let me stand up and walk around the room but I think it would be negative towards me. RAWR!
Furthermore, my father thinks I should have clarified with the person on some scenario and made a cliffhanger answer. The question was not asked in 1 shot, but rather progressive. I too lazy to type them out so I combined them into that question.
I said No. Because he has breached the colleague-colleague relationship, which is very vital in healthcare since its heavily based on teamwork. Then I kept harping on it. I hope I was rather convincing - well it sounded partially to me. *keeps fingers crossed*
5. I give you 2 minutes to do a sales pitch.
OMGAWD! WTH! GG BBQ! I thought I just spent the last 50 minutes doing sales pitches? And now this. Ok the final stand. Let's go! Maybe this would be interesting? Talk talk talk, talk talk talk. I was so engrossed. They seemed engrossed.. well seemed. Then suddenly, looks at watch. *HORROR* its like.. 5 minutes. Somemore I action go show them I time myself... then what the shit?! Omg. Damn 丢脸 you know? I just hope he wont really bear any grudge on it. GRRR!
Well those 5 were the more memorable ones, at least the most memorable ones. overall I think I had some fun answering them, it was mentally challenging though.
Here are other not-so-interesting questions:
1. What do you think make a good doctor?
2. Describe 2 current healthcare issues.
3. Since you have done so much in research, why not be a scientist instead?
4. Which field of Medicine have you thought about?
5. Why Pediatrics?
6. Have you gone for any medical attachments?
7. What do you think a doctor's life is like?
8. So why do you personally want to be a doctor?
9. When you were a leader, describe a moment when there was 1 member who is uncooperative, and show how you handled the situation.
10. Have you had any leadership opportunities, if so when and what did you learn from it?
11. Were you angry at anyone before?
12. How did you handle your out-burst?
13. Have anyone betrayed you before? I said no. mmm I must be well liked :)
14. How was your previous interview?
Mainly these la. Time really fly damn fast I tell you.
Anyway, here are some pointers
1. DO NOT attempt to lie. Unless you are really experienced, lying can only make you more nervous. In fact, telling the truth is much easier, and they will understand it.
2. Make sure you answered the question as precisely as possible. Ramble and you will find yourself beating about the bush and forgetting what the question is, making the situation worst. Because the interview will just ask if you finished or not finished with your answer.
3. Use your own real-life experiences will help greatly in making yourself credible.
4. Stuttering is ok. Just not excess. Make sure you think through before every question, so to make your answer more smooth.
5. Don't panic.
6. Drink enough water. My throat was so damn dry I tell you.
So basically.. this is it! My review! :)
Thanks to all the other helpful sources that guided me to this interview!
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