Thursday, November 29, 2012

Room warming

My room was thoroughly warmed up today (link pun to housewarming).
Thanks for my visitors, even though I might have caused some disruption to the studying.

Really appreciated the company. Really. (:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Examinations v1

3 down, 2 more to go.
This is the first of the 9 probable times we will be having examinations, similar to the countless examinations that I have taken since I started on this learning journey.
The same apprehension, trepidation, anxiety, fear, confidence and confusion feelings keep coming back again. The flurry of activities always the same - the discussions of questions, the complaints of mistakes, the muted inner celebrations of the confident and the ambivalent silence of those who wish to leave whatever happened in those four walls, within those walls.

It is quite interesting to see what happens when examinations near. Some people change and pull off all-nighters or engage in furious study plans. Few remain their idyllic lifestyles - of course with some increased degree of studying, but still generally relaxed. But generally, non-academic activities seem to come to a standstill. It is as though there are seasons in Singapore - the examination season, and the non-examination season.

It is also intriguing to observe how people study together. I think how one study shows quite a bit about the person's character when performing real work. Because this is "every man for himself" (if you put it crudely), how the person work is how this person thinks he can achieve his own sweet success. There's nothing bad with being the solo or working in teams - it is just your own personal style.

I don't mind studying with people, but usually groups study at (which I think) cramped places which I don't feel comfortable in, hence my preference for being in my room. Furthermore, once in my room there's quite a high inertia to bring me out again. Second, I have my own personal habits (which might be detrimental to my studying in fact) that I know can irritate the studious, and hence I stay away from them.

So does this make me a solo person? Well I have determined that I am more introverted than I initially thought I was. So do such behaviours make sense? Maybe, maybe not.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some nights

There are nights like this where I wished I have someone to really talk to.
Someone close, in every distance imaginable.
Someone I can hug without inhibitions.

No worries, this is not work-related.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ah Boys to Men

So I just finished the movie "From Ah Boys to Men" and I must say my $7.50 was worth it.
There are several things to ponder about with respect to this single event: 1) how much would you go to "save" the $2-$4? 2) Did people join mainly of watching or did peer pressure exerted more influence? But those can be put aside, I am focusing on the review.

It is no rocket science to conclude that local shows cannot cater to the international market. However it is precisely that very characteristic that allows it to strike a chord in me. It is no longer simply a smattering of Singlish, but rather a wide plethora of "Singaporean behavior" plainly exhibited. What the motives are can be varied: Is Jack Neo poking fun at our behaviors? Or is he giving us a warning to our incessant self-mindedness?

"Ah Boys" engaged a wide range of stereotypical characters present in the Army, and many I am rather familiar with. For a story with such diverse characters, 1.5 hours is definitely not enough for any in-depth character development, but some credit should be given for the effort to develop the protagonist (albeit the very unbelievably sharp 180 degree change in attitude - which was played with some humour as well).
The most compelling reason to watch the show is the fact it resonates with me very well - I am the very sergeant who gets to observe such actions first hand. Many other army personnel might have gone through BMT, but they only have the perspective of the trainee / recruit. For me (and some lucky/unlucky others), I get to have both perspectives - from the commander and the trainee point of view. And the show aced that aspect. In fact, watching the show could be considered a satirical playback of my history - and some of the facts shown were even true (certified by me)! In addition to the army scenes, there was one significant scene which I could relate to: When the protagonist suffered from the (stupidly) self-inflicted heat stroke, he realised that his foolhardy actions had impacted everyone, and hence turned over the proverbial leaf. If you remembered, I had a great fall and broke my arm. And I too personally saw how my actions regrettably implicated my parents and my friends - who had to take time off to visit and care for me. For my broken arm, although I regret worrying my parents, I do not regret breaking it - in fact it was after that incident where my views about them changed.

Funny thing is, whilst watching it, I had this compulsion to go back to the Army. Sounds ludicrous right? I realised I really loved my position. I loved teaching the recruits, and having this responsibility to train them. To watch recruits being able to complete physical and mental challenges, and challenging them as well is a task quite gratifying. I am really thankful for the opportunity to be in Tekong. I might sound like some propaganda machine spewing out good words for the Army, or be seen as the naive soldier brainwashed by the Army, but it was honestly a good time there. Of course it is better being the civilian as I have other goals to accomplish, but that being said, my time as a sergeant training recruits was rewarding and enriching. I miss those times. (This could link to another topic: am I a sucker for a leadership position? Am I more of a leader or a teacher? More concisely, do I prefer and more capable to be a leader or a teacher?)

Overall, the show was good money well spent. It is comical, yet sends a very good lesson. I am sure many of us would immediately see the protagonist as "immature" and "childish" - but that is sadly, a stereotypical image of guys before entering NS. Haha, maybe I was like that too? I am not too sure. I think I was unlike him - that protagonist is just too pathetic XD But such views cannot be said from the first person view, it has to be from a third-person perspective.

Oh and there will be a part two. Totally cannot wait to see the storyline being played out. :D

Friday, November 09, 2012


Remember my post about: Do unto others what you want others to do unto you? Ok maybe I did not post it but it struck my memory before.

I try my best to show signs of appreciation to people's efforts and gifts (of both tangible and non-tangible kind) to me.
And it seems that I am also a sucker for signs of appreciation. I don't ask for it, because appreciation is something that has to be initiated, not asked for. You can request for a note of appreciation but the effect is much downplayed compared to the note of appreciation arriving as a surprise to you.

Damn, maybe I should stop anticipate for appreciation and just carry on with life and my work? Am I selfish? Or is this form of anticipation for appreciation a means for me to "benchmark" myself and know if what I am doing is "right" or "wrong"?

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Of Leading and Leadership

I realise I am in love with Verdana. I hope it is a girl's name, but no, it is simply a name of a font-type. Of course, I do not love Verdana so much that I have to be with her (use her) in every assignment that I do, but when I feel happy and want to share my work with others, I rely on Verdana. I do not feel angst or a feeling of hatred when someone else communicate with Verdana (hope you understand the layers involved) too, neither do I feel too lonesome if I do not see Verdana for a long time.
You can clearly see the juxtaposition involved - the rest is for your analysis.

But this is not the purpose of this post. But this can be another observation of myself: I tend to link everything and "connect the dots", no matter how abstract it can be.

We have learnt, or rather reinforced our understanding of, "leading". In fact, FOM (Fundamentals of Management) helped to concretise the understanding of myself. It assigns qualitative values to my personality, provides adjectives and descriptions to otherwise my indescribable character.
Shall cut this short, I tend to ramble ):

3 projects later, I realised I have always been taking the "leading" role. No I am not proclaiming my ability in leading - in fact I think my leading capabilities are narrowly bounded to certain situations, and neither am I analysing why I tend to get the leading role - and it is not because "I am good".

What I will be discussing is the difficulties I face when placed in a leadership position. I have concluded that I take on a "democratic, participative" leadership - but to a bad extent. I worry I provide too much work for my members. I worry equity theory is played against me. I worry I give imbalanced amount of work to each member. I worry of what my group members will think of me. I worry I will appear as inefficient and ineffective.
I worry that the overall job will not be of what I want - this is another problem which should be discussed another time. To quote someone: I can be domineering at times. But I really worry alot. Worry worry worry.

As an act divergent from my typical self, I shall not put my own analysis to this.

I do love some feedback on this. I am open to any criticism, in fact I want to know your perspective. I want to know if you too feel this way about me.
Of course, I understand that some of us only met just recently. Some of us have yet to meet for long time. And for those that I met, we might not have sufficient interaction for you to gain an understanding of me.

And lastly, I admit, I am a humblebragger. Everyone is. But I shall admit I am. Even stating this sentence is humble bragging.