Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Too soft

While talking, a close friend of mine commented, "I think it's just you (Kevin) that is slow. Look at all your projects, they are slow."

That was quite a straightforward statement without any deep underlying meanings or sugar-coating euphemism - just a pure direct, in-your-face observation.

And I have to thank her for that.

Reflecting so far on my projects, I realised this has always been happening to project groups that I am in - especially those that I am "leading". It is quite ironical, I always have the road laid out but end up having to squeeze all the workload at the end because honestly, the plan does not always work out according to plan (pun intended).

Upon a minute or two of introspection, I can conclude that this unhealthy phenomenon can be primarily attributed to my form of leadership. As frequently stated (I honestly feel this is me) as interview answers, I take on a democratic form of leadership which can be good as it involves each member. However, when coupled with my mediating nature I tend to under assign or not put too much pressure onto my team mates. It can be a good thing as (I think) my team mates would feel happy and pleasant working under me, but it can be disastrous when I do not have luxury of time or when I get abused.

I am trying to be more forthcoming and practical in my leadership - I believe I am efficient in many ways and my no-nonsense meetings usually end fast and agendas are followed strictly. But how come my projects end up so late? I think a good way to start can be the deadlines I set. I tend to set very long deadlines, and that can be worked upon. Second, I can demand more from my members.

But the process to achieve these changes will be an uphill task, though I hope not a Sisyphean one.

Damn I need to improve on my English, my vocabulary is declining rapidly.

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