It's not about being the smartest, or the fastest, but whether you give yourself the option to do whatever the situation requires you to do.
You get fit not only because you look better or can run/jump/swim faster, but because it gives you more options to
1. try other sports/games
2. literally escape from danger
There are always weaknesses to everything (in the process of being fit you might injure yourself and make yourself worse), but being adaptable means you have means to counter these weaknesses whenever you need to.
For example, gazelles can run long distance (they can sustain a longer distance than cheetahs) but do not have the option to sprint short distances (which cheetahs are famous for), this makes them less adaptable as they are unable to "switch" modes of running if they need to.
Here's a more relevant analogy. You may be the most diplomatic person around the class likes you, but inevitable there will be people in the future whom you will meet that will take advantage of your diplomacy. Are you able to switch to a more aggressive stance to get what you want? If you can, then good you are adaptable. But converse is also true, if you can't, you are not adaptable and will be subjected to abuse (and you will feel helpless about it because you will be wondering why your diplomacy doesn't work at that moment).
And here's a tip to the usual complaints of "I don't know what to do":
If you find yourself in a situation facing a project/term paper/written report that you claim you have no idea what to do, imagine yourself in a situation where you are given 10 minutes to come up with anything linked to the theme in question otherwise you'll get shot/killed/mauled/decapitated/tortured/maimed (assuming these are treatments you don't want to get).I think you would have probably come up with 1 idea by now. Work on that idea, brainstorm and apply that scenario again until you have a sizeable amount of ideas.
Enjoy school!
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