Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Don't wash your dirty linen in public

That cliche phrase that we learnt in primary school can jolly well be a fine example of what Singaporeans love to do - the contrary in fact

With the high-rising flats that we have, the one that helped eliminate the need for squatters and slums, comes the ....
I tell you, to those Singapore-haters and Singapore-disbelievers, that Singapore is seriously one unique society that no other society has ever seen before.
Lo and behold, the city with people who flash their dirty linen (ok more or less washed and clean) in public
We take pride in such things, so much that linen can include literally anything that has linen in it
be it shoes to clothes to lingerie to .... bags and pillow cases
And one walking along the "alleyway" can look up to find a whole lot of creative juices spent
But hey, before you cringe in despair over our lack of ... graciousness and class, we get to save a hell lot of electricity (and money) by using renewable sources of energy.
I think we are just the most classic, efficient and sustainable solution of capturing solar energy - better than those solar farms that span deserts in Texas in the US. mmmm....

So, who says we should not wash dirty linen in public?
We very well do the literal right here in this sunny island.

(In case you are wondering, the above post was inspired as I was going home today. Was thinking of my conversation with weisin about Singapore's unique culture)


The battle's over.
Maybe it was a battle that was already lost from the start?
I tried I attempted I forgot I died?
Yea. Screwed up, studied the whole lot of notes, and only a few came out. What shit. And those that I specialised on did not appear.
So yea.
Screwed up paper
Screwed up As.

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