Was rummaging through, or rather packing, my old notes and I found this "idiot's guides to the various political ideologies in the world" - in form of cows. No, that's not the title of the work, but rather what I think it is :)
I think reading this can give you a basic understanding of the different ideologies - or it can be fun reading when you have nth to do.
Scenario: You have 2 cows (unless otherwise stated)
Communism: You give both cows to the government, the government sells you some milk.
Socialism: You give both cows to the government, the government gives you some milk (take note the difference)
Nazism: The government shoots you and takes both cows.
Fascism: You milk both of them and give the government half the milk
Capitalism: You sell one and buy a bull.
Bureaucracy: At first the government regulates what you can feed them and when you can milk them. Then it pays you not to milk them. After that it takes both, shoots one, milks the other and pours the milk down the drain. Then it requires you to fill out forms accounting for the missing cows.
Bureaucratic Socialism: The government takes them and puts them in a barn with everyone else's cows. They are cared for by ex-chicken farmers. You have to take care of the chickens the government took from the chicken farmers. The government gives you as much milk and as many eggs as the regulations say you should need.
American Democracy: (Assuming you have no cows) The government promises to give you 2 cows if you vote for it. After the election, the president is impeached for speculating in cow futures. The press dubs the affair "Cowgate"
British Democracy: You feed them sheeps' brains and they go mad. The government does nothing.
Singaporean Democracy: The government fines you for keeping 2 unlicensed farm animals in an apartment.
Hong Kong Capitalism: You sell three of them to your publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with associated general offer so that you get all 4 cows back, with a tax deduction for keeping 5 cows. The milk rights of 6 cows are transferred via a Panamanian intermediary to a Cayman Islands company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sells the rights to all 7 cows' milk back to the listed company. The annual report says that the company owns 8 cows, with an option on one more. Meanwhile you kill the 2 cows because feng shui is back. (I am serious no mistakes here when typing)
Feminism: They get married and adopt a veal calf.
Surrealism: You have 2 giraffes (not cows). The government requires you to take harmonica lessons. (Yes again, I am serious)
Oh apparently, that is in fact a satirical commentary by this professor named Gus Dicomitis, ok not like we bother.
Enjoyed it? I did :)
A self-proclaimed humblebragger's thoughts on anything under the sun (and in his mind)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Woohoo! In Japan now!
Kon Bawa (Good evening)!
Haha, omg just had a steamy bath in the hot springs :)
I am spending 100 yen = $1.60 SGD for 15 minutes of Internet, quite scam right? And the internet is so freaking slow compared to the one in Changi Airport, which is free and MUCH faster.
Having fun so far, ate good shashimi (omg I so love it...), had nice hot springs bath, reminiscing Mongolia days (icy cold weather), and sleeping alot.
Guess what, i have already put on 1KG!!!! wahahaha!
(7 minutes already wtf - wa lau I want to chat with people, but there is no time :( )
Yep, missing some people here and there, but overall still having fun. Hope you guys have fun back in Singapore too :)
You guys will sure love the hot springs... it literally humbles everyone, if you get what I mean hehe. And it also makes you much more confident about your body (more hints there)
(9 minutes ... sian)
Ok la, realised most Japanese food not very nice, must eat at specific places one. Or rather Hokkaido. Maybe its all found in Tokyo? lol
And ya, Japanese stuff are severely expensive and overpriced. No wonder its said to be the most expensive place for expats to live in, and I really mean expensive. Ok la, some are not bad, but most are really ex. And cigarettes are damn cheap k? 300 Yen for 1 packet, which can only buy you like less than half of a bowl of la mian or -don or whatever.
Ok, I just realised the Internet speed is 64KB/s, I better click *Publish post* before time runs out.
And.. to make you all jealous... SNOW!!
Haha, omg just had a steamy bath in the hot springs :)
I am spending 100 yen = $1.60 SGD for 15 minutes of Internet, quite scam right? And the internet is so freaking slow compared to the one in Changi Airport, which is free and MUCH faster.
Having fun so far, ate good shashimi (omg I so love it...), had nice hot springs bath, reminiscing Mongolia days (icy cold weather), and sleeping alot.
Guess what, i have already put on 1KG!!!! wahahaha!
(7 minutes already wtf - wa lau I want to chat with people, but there is no time :( )
Yep, missing some people here and there, but overall still having fun. Hope you guys have fun back in Singapore too :)
You guys will sure love the hot springs... it literally humbles everyone, if you get what I mean hehe. And it also makes you much more confident about your body (more hints there)
(9 minutes ... sian)
Ok la, realised most Japanese food not very nice, must eat at specific places one. Or rather Hokkaido. Maybe its all found in Tokyo? lol
And ya, Japanese stuff are severely expensive and overpriced. No wonder its said to be the most expensive place for expats to live in, and I really mean expensive. Ok la, some are not bad, but most are really ex. And cigarettes are damn cheap k? 300 Yen for 1 packet, which can only buy you like less than half of a bowl of la mian or -don or whatever.
Ok, I just realised the Internet speed is 64KB/s, I better click *Publish post* before time runs out.
And.. to make you all jealous... SNOW!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
no, not in the mind, but rather the body - I not so sick la
man, what's with my body? I have been getting sick so often, and here's the perfect method on how-to-make-kevin-sick
1. sleep beyond 1am
that's it
and I will be sick
had the sniffles today, which made my mood foul
seriously, being sick is damn shit
its like you don't want to do anything at all - just lie in bed and stone stone stone
furthermore the rainy weather makes sleeping on the bed just the ultimate incentive haha
man, what's with my body? I have been getting sick so often, and here's the perfect method on how-to-make-kevin-sick
1. sleep beyond 1am
that's it
and I will be sick
had the sniffles today, which made my mood foul
seriously, being sick is damn shit
its like you don't want to do anything at all - just lie in bed and stone stone stone
furthermore the rainy weather makes sleeping on the bed just the ultimate incentive haha
Thursday, December 03, 2009
1. get good clothes for prom
2. get new laptop
3. recontract my internet
4. get better mobile phone plans
6. play more basketball
7. go out more often
8. declare
9. find holiday job
1. get good clothes for prom
2. get new laptop
3. recontract my internet
4. get better mobile phone plans
6. play more basketball
7. go out more often
8. declare
9. find holiday job
12 years...
ITS ENDING IN .. 3 hrs ++ !!! OH YES OH YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS ENDING IN .. 3 hrs ++ !!! OH YES OH YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Waking up times
Oh gosh, my waking up times seem to be later and later the nearer I am to my last paper.
2 days ago - 8am
yesterday - 9am
today - 10+am..
tomorrow - 11am
this is terrible!
but sleeping's so nice.. XD
2 days ago - 8am
yesterday - 9am
today - 10+am..
tomorrow - 11am
this is terrible!
but sleeping's so nice.. XD
Friday, November 27, 2009
the weather's a joke here.. seriously.
last week it was raining daily.. now not a single raindrop was in sight, and blazing heat has replaced it
of course it is not as bad as heat waves in India, but still the unpredictability is annoying me.
and this is no good either to keep tempers cool and calm.
last week it was raining daily.. now not a single raindrop was in sight, and blazing heat has replaced it
of course it is not as bad as heat waves in India, but still the unpredictability is annoying me.
and this is no good either to keep tempers cool and calm.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Laptop died
my laptop just died... well I shall spare you kind readers the gruesome horror of having to sit through the string of expletives hurled from my acid mouth
to those who may want to help, or want to have the slightest idea of what happened
I was basically typing and doing nothing extraordinary when out of the blue the blue screen of death (BSOD) appeared. Ok, if that's not enough, there was a disk read error which persisted even after I changed the boot order. Oh well, was trawling through the Internet to search for help, but to no avail.
furthermore, to add salt to my wound, I am unable to go for the event which I have patiently waited for months to go...
anyway, since I am known for my anger management, I shall look towards the optimistic side. Here are good reasons for shifting to my home computer:
(in no order of preference)
1. Increase my tolerance or patience level due to the ironically slower home computer which has better specifications but ....
2. Regain my speed in typing with the normal keyboard and numpad :)
3. Gain increased levels of self-discipline, or rather forced discipline, as most of my own games are practically unplayable here + this computer is in an unfavourable position - hence possibly get 101% at Bio Paper 1 next Thursday
4. Erase all my history of my doings in school (temporary at least, until I find a way to extract data)
So yep, I shall look forward to the future! :D
and in the meantime, bask myself in music to soothe my raging soul
to those who may want to help, or want to have the slightest idea of what happened
I was basically typing and doing nothing extraordinary when out of the blue the blue screen of death (BSOD) appeared. Ok, if that's not enough, there was a disk read error which persisted even after I changed the boot order. Oh well, was trawling through the Internet to search for help, but to no avail.
furthermore, to add salt to my wound, I am unable to go for the event which I have patiently waited for months to go...
anyway, since I am known for my anger management, I shall look towards the optimistic side. Here are good reasons for shifting to my home computer:
(in no order of preference)
1. Increase my tolerance or patience level due to the ironically slower home computer which has better specifications but ....
2. Regain my speed in typing with the normal keyboard and numpad :)
3. Gain increased levels of self-discipline, or rather forced discipline, as most of my own games are practically unplayable here + this computer is in an unfavourable position - hence possibly get 101% at Bio Paper 1 next Thursday
4. Erase all my history of my doings in school (temporary at least, until I find a way to extract data)
So yep, I shall look forward to the future! :D
and in the meantime, bask myself in music to soothe my raging soul
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Pomodoro Technique
For those who can't see to be self-disciplined or complain of lack of time.. you can try this very deceptively simple yet rather effective tool which I found
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Was brooding over how many people wishing you good luck for your A levels can tell pretty much the number of close friends... not via chain emails or mass smses, but people who contacted you personally and initiated the contact.
Not saying that I don't have friends, but rather it tells me who I have been talking with all these while - like a couple of non-Hwachong friends, some of my close relatives, and some of my juniors too :)
Just reflecting back on the various well-wishes received, it can be really heartwarming and motivating.
Then again, this is only A levels. There will be other battles in the future which we must all fight ourselves, and A levels is just a prelude to a life of vicissitudes, ups and downs, sweat and blood. Simple wishes, just done with initiative and not via a robotic manner really helps.
Yep. Thanks to all those warm gestures. Really really appreciate it. Its just heartwarming to know that, you are still on some people's minds.
Anyway, a week of examinations have passed. Stress levels are intense, and self-esteems are being stretched to the limit. Well, music has never seemed to be such a potent relief. Been listening to radio religiously - laughing to the wild jokes and lame quotes - and even playing songs while in the examination itself. Haha.. maybe you can all try it :)
Not saying that I don't have friends, but rather it tells me who I have been talking with all these while - like a couple of non-Hwachong friends, some of my close relatives, and some of my juniors too :)
Just reflecting back on the various well-wishes received, it can be really heartwarming and motivating.
Then again, this is only A levels. There will be other battles in the future which we must all fight ourselves, and A levels is just a prelude to a life of vicissitudes, ups and downs, sweat and blood. Simple wishes, just done with initiative and not via a robotic manner really helps.
Yep. Thanks to all those warm gestures. Really really appreciate it. Its just heartwarming to know that, you are still on some people's minds.
Anyway, a week of examinations have passed. Stress levels are intense, and self-esteems are being stretched to the limit. Well, music has never seemed to be such a potent relief. Been listening to radio religiously - laughing to the wild jokes and lame quotes - and even playing songs while in the examination itself. Haha.. maybe you can all try it :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
omfg cool shit
but I do not want me to be tagged =/ lol, don't want undesired people to know me haha
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Monday, November 02, 2009
Food for thought
If you do well, people say its expected
If you do badly, people will laugh at you.
that's how harsh the corporate culture can be
If you do badly, people will laugh at you.
that's how harsh the corporate culture can be
Friday, October 30, 2009
sorry for reminding everyone
but its less than 2 weeks before BCME people will take their first exam
12 years of your hard work cumulating to this
don't let it go to waste eh?
work hard people
work hard play hard, just don't burn out
its like the last 400m of your 2.4km run
its like the last match of your sports competition
its like the last week before your PW OP
basically, you have felt the same stress before
I am sure you would have felt equally stretched as now, you might say you weren't but then you would most probably be fighting tooth and nail for every second of time
so yes
what I am saying is that, everyone has had that experience before
so basically,
try your best, and do a good job of your 12 years
but its less than 2 weeks before BCME people will take their first exam
12 years of your hard work cumulating to this
don't let it go to waste eh?
work hard people
work hard play hard, just don't burn out
its like the last 400m of your 2.4km run
its like the last match of your sports competition
its like the last week before your PW OP
basically, you have felt the same stress before
I am sure you would have felt equally stretched as now, you might say you weren't but then you would most probably be fighting tooth and nail for every second of time
so yes
what I am saying is that, everyone has had that experience before
so basically,
try your best, and do a good job of your 12 years
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
was conversing with pearlyn about perspectives:
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
like you know, taking t-section and l-section of cells and seeing different things
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
gosh that sounded nerdy
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
nice metaphor
why you think its nerdy
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
nerd what!
and not metaphor
got "like" so simile
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
ok fine
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
what's wrong with the nerd thing anyway?
the core thing you want to send is a message
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and the message's sent
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and understood
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
haha, but so BIO!!!
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and the receipient's impression of you havent changes
na bio so what
i find learning all these stuff also makes you able to craft out more of such "similes" ?
why not
pearlyn says (11:38 AM):
hahah, kevin, you're so cute
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:39 AM):
maybe overusage will be nerdy
but once in a while
pearlyn says (11:39 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:39 AM):
most of the quoted text that we use
are from nerdy scientists
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:40 AM):
like Einstein who dropped out of sch, supposedly have his trademark hair, and came up with far more nerdy stuff that perpetuated even more nerdy stuff
pearlyn says (11:41 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:41 AM):
and thanks to nerd
we have computers and stuff =D
nerds ftw
pearlyn says (11:41 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:41 AM):
ok dont bring in the GP question of "Science/tech raises more problems than benefits"
pearlyn says (11:42 AM):
nerds taste nice
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:42 AM):
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
like you know, taking t-section and l-section of cells and seeing different things
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
gosh that sounded nerdy
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
nice metaphor
why you think its nerdy
pearlyn says (11:36 AM):
nerd what!
and not metaphor
got "like" so simile
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:36 AM):
ok fine
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
what's wrong with the nerd thing anyway?
the core thing you want to send is a message
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and the message's sent
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and understood
pearlyn says (11:37 AM):
haha, but so BIO!!!
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:37 AM):
and the receipient's impression of you havent changes
na bio so what
i find learning all these stuff also makes you able to craft out more of such "similes" ?
why not
pearlyn says (11:38 AM):
hahah, kevin, you're so cute
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:39 AM):
maybe overusage will be nerdy
but once in a while
pearlyn says (11:39 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:39 AM):
most of the quoted text that we use
are from nerdy scientists
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:40 AM):
like Einstein who dropped out of sch, supposedly have his trademark hair, and came up with far more nerdy stuff that perpetuated even more nerdy stuff
pearlyn says (11:41 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:41 AM):
and thanks to nerd
we have computers and stuff =D
nerds ftw
pearlyn says (11:41 AM):
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:41 AM):
ok dont bring in the GP question of "Science/tech raises more problems than benefits"
pearlyn says (11:42 AM):
nerds taste nice
(: ✰ 汇敏. kvn is .. reminiscing, and he needs mh gold =/ says (11:42 AM):
Monday, October 19, 2009
enlistment :O
Oh wow, its the pink slip! No, not retrenchment letter, but rather enlistment notice from MINDEF.
Geez, apparently I am going to spend my January 2010 slacking away because I will only be able to hold the SAR21 rifle in February. So yes, anyone wants to come with me to witness my rite of passage?
Apparently I can bring only 5 family members/friends because "there's not enough space". Mmm
So what am I going to do on January then? Part-time gift wrapper? or administrative work? lol
5th Feb 2010 11.45 AM BMTC 2
Geez, apparently I am going to spend my January 2010 slacking away because I will only be able to hold the SAR21 rifle in February. So yes, anyone wants to come with me to witness my rite of passage?
Apparently I can bring only 5 family members/friends because "there's not enough space". Mmm
So what am I going to do on January then? Part-time gift wrapper? or administrative work? lol
5th Feb 2010 11.45 AM BMTC 2
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
bio rocks
oh my, i saw this.. and after pondering for a few minutes decided that it is too juicy to be left as an msn nick
"kvn has shocking news. Bio accounts for 49% of our TOTAL acad spending in J1/2, disregarding chem black market"
of course, its mine. because the treasurer me just spent 3 hours crunching up numbers?
and one has to ponder that our bio is still one of the lousiest =O
why chem black market?
Chemistry dept collects money independently from the traditional class fund, just like what a black market does, they collect money right from the people. yea and it so happens my class has a mafia leader controlling this black market of brain-frying chemical goods :P
( haha lots of personification involved, ask if dont know :) )
"kvn has shocking news. Bio accounts for 49% of our TOTAL acad spending in J1/2, disregarding chem black market"
of course, its mine. because the treasurer me just spent 3 hours crunching up numbers?
and one has to ponder that our bio is still one of the lousiest =O
why chem black market?
Chemistry dept collects money independently from the traditional class fund, just like what a black market does, they collect money right from the people. yea and it so happens my class has a mafia leader controlling this black market of brain-frying chemical goods :P
( haha lots of personification involved, ask if dont know :) )
bloody shit
the only word you know about me is "zombie"?
you think you don't fare any better than me in terms of being "zombiefied"?
both of you, day after day, also tired and weary
sometimes don't even know what you all are doing
tell me to sleep early when you dont
tell me to make proper decisions when sometimes you don't even make any good ones
tell me i am a lousy decision maker when I was having your interest at heart
what is this seriously?
If I am really "zombiefied", do you think I can still properly think or walk?
What's wrong with waking up early to do my work, you tell me every second is precious. I am doing so, and you still put me down.
It seems that all you all are good at is putting me down.
Constantly questioning what I am doing.
Yes I know you are worried, but hello? Look at who you are speaking.
Evidently you all don't know the age you live in, you think hardcore mugging and plain copying will save the day?
You think just doing and doing will help? PSLE is unlike A levels ok?
I know I may sound naive or stupid, but haven't you been so too?
I think its time you all have to reflect upon yourself
I know I am given autonomy and space, and I am using them well in my own opinion
I know you have high expectations/hopes on me
I know you are heavily pressured by work-related stress
But don't you think, its high time you all reflect on yourselves?
the only word you know about me is "zombie"?
you think you don't fare any better than me in terms of being "zombiefied"?
both of you, day after day, also tired and weary
sometimes don't even know what you all are doing
tell me to sleep early when you dont
tell me to make proper decisions when sometimes you don't even make any good ones
tell me i am a lousy decision maker when I was having your interest at heart
what is this seriously?
If I am really "zombiefied", do you think I can still properly think or walk?
What's wrong with waking up early to do my work, you tell me every second is precious. I am doing so, and you still put me down.
It seems that all you all are good at is putting me down.
Constantly questioning what I am doing.
Yes I know you are worried, but hello? Look at who you are speaking.
Evidently you all don't know the age you live in, you think hardcore mugging and plain copying will save the day?
You think just doing and doing will help? PSLE is unlike A levels ok?
I know I may sound naive or stupid, but haven't you been so too?
I think its time you all have to reflect upon yourself
I know I am given autonomy and space, and I am using them well in my own opinion
I know you have high expectations/hopes on me
I know you are heavily pressured by work-related stress
But don't you think, its high time you all reflect on yourselves?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 09, 2009
Yes, my grades really fumbled. Ah crap damnit.
Anyway when I received chem today I was like furious. Wanted to rant, rant and rant. But I think after a day, the mood has evidently lightened up. The words later are much less angrier, and more consoling. But anyway, to those who don't want to read a rant, please close the window now. Especially those who might be affected. Remember, this is what I think, in my own perspective.
what the shit, as in seriously what the shit.
all my grades are slipping,
I have certainly made NO visible improvement at all la for the prelims
Kevin Seng what have you done all these while,
Slacking, goofing around before prelims?
What's the problem with you man.
All your traditional strongholds in Chemistry and Mathematics - they have crumbled and cracked!
No, dont bother with moderation, just look at your raw results, is this what you should be getting?
Your parents are dead worried, and place so much faith in you for your grads,
Not only them your teachers, and even yourself
and screwing up is how you repay them? for the freedom they have offered you unconditionally?
this is seriously ridiculous - i have darn no discipline at all. yes, playing games whenever you can? how about not being focused on your work.
actually I don't think that's the main problem
I think my head is glued to the freaking ceiling
Too stuck up there, maybe.. complacent, overconfident.. what else
Shit, kevin you have to like buck up.
You know your aim, you have your aim, now you must do things towards that aim
It is not difficult, but it is certainly no piece of cake.
Don't base yourself against others, base yourself against yourself... if you want an A, get an A. Ignore B, a B won't be called for.
I know some of you might say "Hey I also feel this way"
But if you have improved, good for you, like jumped from E to C or B etc. that's what I want
Its either maintain, or improve.. not deprove which is just what I did!
Its not about "f**k, missed that mark for some freaking careless"
Its "Why the hell did you deprove in the first place - careless is NOT a reason"
I know some of you might say "Hey I also feel this way"
But if you have improved, good for you, like jumped from E to C or B etc. that's what I want
Its either maintain, or improve.. not deprove which is just what I did!
Its not about "f**k, missed that mark for some freaking careless"
Its "Why the hell did you deprove in the first place - careless is NOT a reason"
Monday, October 05, 2009
Prelims have ended, and GP was returned last week. Apparently many did badly, needless to say I was also one of the (unfortunate?) weak students with pathetic marks.
I shall console myself with the fact that GP in Hwachong is severely under-marked as compared to A levels, or that the marker was super strict, or maybe it was my bad day.
It is quite funny, that I am sure this is an anomaly with other subjects. Normally when one does badly at a certain subject, the general attitude towards it is proportionate to the grade obtained - which is a downward trend. But for GP, I am still very much like (in love?) it in the sense that it is one topic that we can really put our feelings when we are writing, or rather its obviously applicable. This anomalous feeling has been going on for months, and I am pretty damn sure this is an outlier in terms of the relationship between interest and grade.
Anyway, I just cut myself with a knife whilst chopping meat. A very tiny cut, but it somehow seems to act as a constant reminder of my weakness - that my overconfidence that is probably brewing inside me could be my greatest shortcoming in the incoming examination. How I link? I always thought that I could cut the vegetables/meat without hurting myself - of course without regards to the other niceties like shape and uniformity of the pieces. And now I just cut myself, which evidently insinuate (lol?) that I am hurt and that I will .... fumble.
Which I may for prelims....
I shall console myself with the fact that GP in Hwachong is severely under-marked as compared to A levels, or that the marker was super strict, or maybe it was my bad day.
It is quite funny, that I am sure this is an anomaly with other subjects. Normally when one does badly at a certain subject, the general attitude towards it is proportionate to the grade obtained - which is a downward trend. But for GP, I am still very much like (in love?) it in the sense that it is one topic that we can really put our feelings when we are writing, or rather its obviously applicable. This anomalous feeling has been going on for months, and I am pretty damn sure this is an outlier in terms of the relationship between interest and grade.
Anyway, I just cut myself with a knife whilst chopping meat. A very tiny cut, but it somehow seems to act as a constant reminder of my weakness - that my overconfidence that is probably brewing inside me could be my greatest shortcoming in the incoming examination. How I link? I always thought that I could cut the vegetables/meat without hurting myself - of course without regards to the other niceties like shape and uniformity of the pieces. And now I just cut myself, which evidently insinuate (lol?) that I am hurt and that I will .... fumble.
Which I may for prelims....
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chocolate spam today, resulted in my throat becoming sore.
Oh well, chocolate cake + chocolate ice-cream + potential chocolate frappe. Oh dear! Too much of a good stuff can be a tad too .. much? haha
And I need to put more effort in my planning next time, it seems I cant really plan well.
on the lighter note:
As there will only be a small portion of students having academic program at 7.50am on Thursday and Friday (1st and 2nd of Oct), there will be NO have morning assembly on these two days.
Oh well, chocolate cake + chocolate ice-cream + potential chocolate frappe. Oh dear! Too much of a good stuff can be a tad too .. much? haha
And I need to put more effort in my planning next time, it seems I cant really plan well.
on the lighter note:
As there will only be a small portion of students having academic program at 7.50am on Thursday and Friday (1st and 2nd of Oct), there will be NO have morning assembly on these two days.
Monday, September 28, 2009
breaking down
everything's breaking down
the handle for my window just dropped off and fell into the dark pits of shrubs below, making finding it hard since it is black in colour and essentially the leaves block off all sunlight from the ground hence I am searching for a black thing in shadows
my watch strap is threatening to break off aside from 1 cm of rubber left restraining such an act
I somehow scratched myself with the hwachong badge... of all things my school badge
My own modem is also screwed, using an older modem which is slightly slower but can only support 1 wireless user, creating inconveniences for my family
My GC has shown weird signs of mutation in its processor, even though I gave it uber batteries (more expensive ones), it has returned my favour by randomly shutting off and clearing RAM by itself
Oh, and my grades, may be breaking down too
What a life.
the handle for my window just dropped off and fell into the dark pits of shrubs below, making finding it hard since it is black in colour and essentially the leaves block off all sunlight from the ground hence I am searching for a black thing in shadows
my watch strap is threatening to break off aside from 1 cm of rubber left restraining such an act
I somehow scratched myself with the hwachong badge... of all things my school badge
My own modem is also screwed, using an older modem which is slightly slower but can only support 1 wireless user, creating inconveniences for my family
My GC has shown weird signs of mutation in its processor, even though I gave it uber batteries (more expensive ones), it has returned my favour by randomly shutting off and clearing RAM by itself
Oh, and my grades, may be breaking down too
What a life.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
This blog seems to be dead...
I don't know what to really blog about anymore.
Life is just .. dreary? Everyday go home tired and full of ennui, injecting myself with transient boosters by playing games, but make myself feeling even worst when I finish the games.
It is damn tiring. Mentally and physically exhausted.
Why cant someone just let me be able to pacify or please both parties? Thanks.
I don't know what to really blog about anymore.
Life is just .. dreary? Everyday go home tired and full of ennui, injecting myself with transient boosters by playing games, but make myself feeling even worst when I finish the games.
It is damn tiring. Mentally and physically exhausted.
Why cant someone just let me be able to pacify or please both parties? Thanks.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
According to some people, my wardrobe needs severe refurnishing! Practically all my clothes, in the midst of thrift, are either too small or ... let's say they are expecting me to grow much bigger ;)
oh well, I also sorely lack going out clothes - maybe cuz of my own laid-back nature, I don't particularly look for pretty striking clothes. But then, when I do go out with the guys, I look at myself with disdain.
Yikes! A fashion disaster is me... mmm in the first place why should I be bothered? XD But oh well, I need to look good eh?
Anyone want to help me?
According to some people, my wardrobe needs severe refurnishing! Practically all my clothes, in the midst of thrift, are either too small or ... let's say they are expecting me to grow much bigger ;)
oh well, I also sorely lack going out clothes - maybe cuz of my own laid-back nature, I don't particularly look for pretty striking clothes. But then, when I do go out with the guys, I look at myself with disdain.
Yikes! A fashion disaster is me... mmm in the first place why should I be bothered? XD But oh well, I need to look good eh?
Anyone want to help me?
Friday, September 04, 2009
Haha, she has finally got back her wallet!
What a joyous occasion!
It at least shows that people do return things, albeit keeping it for quite some time.
Probably the auntie forgot about returning the wallet, being pretty busy during the day preparing our food.
Only when she remembered to return it when she was free, she had to rummage through it to find out the owner, only to realise that she doesn't know what do - so she just gave to the ECG room cuz there was a teacher inside.
Haha, at least this shows some form of integrity. Does having integrity means having to return the thing the instant you found it? Maybe one has to battle internal wars between pragmatism and idealism - it may sound just too exaggerated, but I believe it can happen.
I just hope that we dont have to go through this turmoil once more, I daresay we had a close shave.
What a joyous occasion!
It at least shows that people do return things, albeit keeping it for quite some time.
Probably the auntie forgot about returning the wallet, being pretty busy during the day preparing our food.
Only when she remembered to return it when she was free, she had to rummage through it to find out the owner, only to realise that she doesn't know what do - so she just gave to the ECG room cuz there was a teacher inside.
Haha, at least this shows some form of integrity. Does having integrity means having to return the thing the instant you found it? Maybe one has to battle internal wars between pragmatism and idealism - it may sound just too exaggerated, but I believe it can happen.
I just hope that we dont have to go through this turmoil once more, I daresay we had a close shave.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The cause
When you saw the title, did thoughts on salvation and hope by determined and willed Samaritans ring into your mind?
I am sorry, but I have to wash that splendid dream off.
I am referring to being the doom bringer, crisis impetus exemplified by ungrateful idiots.
It really sucks to be the sole cause for most of every problem inflicted upon one's loved ones. Be it innocently or accidentally, the bare fact is that one is the root of the problem tree
This time it is even worst, the problem tree grows bigger, and meaner
And you have no way to stop the problem tree from stopping growing - it just wont shrink, in fact, you do not know
how to really prevent it from developing further
You really want to be provided an axe to chop this damned wood down
But of course, this damned tree is too big to handle, too tough, it has probably even desensitized or inundated the affected individual
What will you do?
I am sorry, but I have to wash that splendid dream off.
I am referring to being the doom bringer, crisis impetus exemplified by ungrateful idiots.
It really sucks to be the sole cause for most of every problem inflicted upon one's loved ones. Be it innocently or accidentally, the bare fact is that one is the root of the problem tree
This time it is even worst, the problem tree grows bigger, and meaner
And you have no way to stop the problem tree from stopping growing - it just wont shrink, in fact, you do not know
how to really prevent it from developing further
You really want to be provided an axe to chop this damned wood down
But of course, this damned tree is too big to handle, too tough, it has probably even desensitized or inundated the affected individual
What will you do?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Untitled (on purpose)
its 4.02 pm and I am sitting here in my school com lab typing this
staring out of the window, i just face 2 blank white walls
well, the walls are initially harmless, but behind these 2 walls lies the LT3, where practically all my bio lectures are held
it suddenly dawned on me that this is the 2nd last day I will be touching my A level curriculum again - there will be nothing but constant revision
it suddenly came to my shocked realisation that tutorials in JC will be non-existent after tomorrow
wow, it just seemed that I just got pushed out of a classroom and never allowed to return.
And I am quite scared. Really.
From now on, my life is practically going to be my life, the way I "want it to be". No more rigid schedules to follow, no more complaining of lack of breaks, no more waking up at 5.45am...
But what replace it is quite horrifying to many, including me: the misdirection of direction
There are just so many things to do, but there is currently no pre-set order where we must do.
There is no deadlines to follow: no homework - teachers will not really be hounding you, but this just removes the very key pusher of doing homework
Shit, procrastination and other evils like sloth seem to be waiting for this very moment
I need my sword and shields up, in the form of my pen and paper
I need determination, in the form of that gleaming results slip
Everyone, its time to really realise what it means to be "free"
staring out of the window, i just face 2 blank white walls
well, the walls are initially harmless, but behind these 2 walls lies the LT3, where practically all my bio lectures are held
it suddenly dawned on me that this is the 2nd last day I will be touching my A level curriculum again - there will be nothing but constant revision
it suddenly came to my shocked realisation that tutorials in JC will be non-existent after tomorrow
wow, it just seemed that I just got pushed out of a classroom and never allowed to return.
And I am quite scared. Really.
From now on, my life is practically going to be my life, the way I "want it to be". No more rigid schedules to follow, no more complaining of lack of breaks, no more waking up at 5.45am...
But what replace it is quite horrifying to many, including me: the misdirection of direction
There are just so many things to do, but there is currently no pre-set order where we must do.
There is no deadlines to follow: no homework - teachers will not really be hounding you, but this just removes the very key pusher of doing homework
Shit, procrastination and other evils like sloth seem to be waiting for this very moment
I need my sword and shields up, in the form of my pen and paper
I need determination, in the form of that gleaming results slip
Everyone, its time to really realise what it means to be "free"
Saturday, August 22, 2009
New handphone
:D haha my handphone contract has apparently expired, and of course the only way is to recontract, because my father sees no other reason to get a line that has free incoming :(
apparently my plan allows for a free phone upgrade every recontract, so I got a Sony Ericsson W508! :O wooo! well it is nice, and nicer compared to my old phone.. but nonetheless, I will still use the same features.
but the only problem is the darn phone is damn big, its width is almost as wide as the distance from my fingers to the wrist! damnit, so hard to press the buttons with 1 hand la.. gg, gone are the days of sms-ing under the table >.<
haha, no worries people! number no change :) I hope that means that my existing number still stays in your head =X
apparently my plan allows for a free phone upgrade every recontract, so I got a Sony Ericsson W508! :O wooo! well it is nice, and nicer compared to my old phone.. but nonetheless, I will still use the same features.
but the only problem is the darn phone is damn big, its width is almost as wide as the distance from my fingers to the wrist! damnit, so hard to press the buttons with 1 hand la.. gg, gone are the days of sms-ing under the table >.<
haha, no worries people! number no change :) I hope that means that my existing number still stays in your head =X
Friday, August 14, 2009
Jason Mraz
Jason Mraz is damn 强 lol. haha was listening to his songs again >.<
Oh man, what talent!
and he's funny and a good talker, fine additions to an entertainer's arsenal
And the youtube singer I have been following for quite some time has apparently signed on a contract! good job! wow, imagine getting your job through youtube?
Oh man, what talent!
and he's funny and a good talker, fine additions to an entertainer's arsenal
And the youtube singer I have been following for quite some time has apparently signed on a contract! good job! wow, imagine getting your job through youtube?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
National Day
Oh well, I watched it
and funnily, I felt immense pride surging within my veins
No, there's no sarcasm, just the real feeling of patriotism
Yes, our performances are not as well choreographed as the performances during the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony
Yes, our floating platform can only accomodate a pea size of what the Bird Nest stadium can
Yes, our music may not be as popular or "cool" or "hip" as our commercial songs - hey we even used some of the songs into our show!
Yes, the staged military demonstrations are a far cry from what reality is
But, you can't help but swell with dignity when you watch the various selected clips of the speeches made by our 3 past Prime Minister, especially MM Lee's one - "Dont fear, 10 years from now, this will be a metropolis", I need not say anymore.
I particularly liked the segment where they briefly recounted Singapore's history from the 1970s to 2000s via music performances, as the various songs selected from each decade are in fact well-known and popularised. It was something my parents could connect to, and me as well.
I also liked the one where Michelle Chong and Vernetta Lopez were performing ( I think its the same Act lol )
There were several "new"s in this show:
1. Military demonstrations of the Navy, Air Force? and Army
2. We have a big giant screen to act as a TV
3. Much more famous personalities in the show
4. Incorporation of other commercial music and much more music remixes of the Singapore songs (which I do not like)
and more...
But somehow, this year's NDP made me connect to Singapore
I don't know why, I stood up and said the pledge at 8.22PM
I don't know why, I watched the entire NDP without deciding to play Mousehunt or do my homework
I don't know why, I sang some of the songs they were playing (to my dismay cuz the remixes made me sing wrongly :( )
I don't know why, i just know I will be staying here in the future
I read somewhere that no one can teach a man to be patriotic or feel for the country
These National Education and Parades and stuff are merely tools to get people inspired, but not feel
The feeling will somehow come naturally
I think it just did, maybe we just need to grow older and finally realise, that Singapore is indeed a very good and blessed country, no matter how shitty other people (even Singaporeans) have made it out to be
Indonesia's ex-president Habibie once referred Singapore as "the little red dot". Well, we apparently took it in our stride this national day, and showed that size doesn't matter :)
and funnily, I felt immense pride surging within my veins
No, there's no sarcasm, just the real feeling of patriotism
Yes, our performances are not as well choreographed as the performances during the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony
Yes, our floating platform can only accomodate a pea size of what the Bird Nest stadium can
Yes, our music may not be as popular or "cool" or "hip" as our commercial songs - hey we even used some of the songs into our show!
Yes, the staged military demonstrations are a far cry from what reality is
But, you can't help but swell with dignity when you watch the various selected clips of the speeches made by our 3 past Prime Minister, especially MM Lee's one - "Dont fear, 10 years from now, this will be a metropolis", I need not say anymore.
I particularly liked the segment where they briefly recounted Singapore's history from the 1970s to 2000s via music performances, as the various songs selected from each decade are in fact well-known and popularised. It was something my parents could connect to, and me as well.
I also liked the one where Michelle Chong and Vernetta Lopez were performing ( I think its the same Act lol )
There were several "new"s in this show:
1. Military demonstrations of the Navy, Air Force? and Army
2. We have a big giant screen to act as a TV
3. Much more famous personalities in the show
4. Incorporation of other commercial music and much more music remixes of the Singapore songs (which I do not like)
and more...
But somehow, this year's NDP made me connect to Singapore
I don't know why, I stood up and said the pledge at 8.22PM
I don't know why, I watched the entire NDP without deciding to play Mousehunt or do my homework
I don't know why, I sang some of the songs they were playing (to my dismay cuz the remixes made me sing wrongly :( )
I don't know why, i just know I will be staying here in the future
I read somewhere that no one can teach a man to be patriotic or feel for the country
These National Education and Parades and stuff are merely tools to get people inspired, but not feel
The feeling will somehow come naturally
I think it just did, maybe we just need to grow older and finally realise, that Singapore is indeed a very good and blessed country, no matter how shitty other people (even Singaporeans) have made it out to be
Indonesia's ex-president Habibie once referred Singapore as "the little red dot". Well, we apparently took it in our stride this national day, and showed that size doesn't matter :)
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
study damnit
damnit kevin seng
can you f**king start studying!
doesn't mean you did "well" for your Blocks and you can slack
everyone else is studying damn hard and you, still goofing away
why think about prom when its freaking after As
why think about getting medicine when your bio isn't A and GP isn't A yet
what the shit
don't be a complacent ass
can you f**king start studying!
doesn't mean you did "well" for your Blocks and you can slack
everyone else is studying damn hard and you, still goofing away
why think about prom when its freaking after As
why think about getting medicine when your bio isn't A and GP isn't A yet
what the shit
don't be a complacent ass
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Was reading online about indie bands when I bumped into Keane, and found out that many of those familiar great songs were in fact played and sung by them.
Wow went to check them up on youtube and I was right!
The powers of Wikipedia and Youtube =)
anyway I think this is quite cool
EMBed is disabled =( so you might have to copy that onto your address bar :)
Wow went to check them up on youtube and I was right!
The powers of Wikipedia and Youtube =)
anyway I think this is quite cool
EMBed is disabled =( so you might have to copy that onto your address bar :)
Just for laughs
Was watching the hilarious show during dinner just now
I just can't seem to stop laughing at the funny albeit stupid pranks/jokes that they make onto hapless poor innocent people
You name it, they've done it
I can't help but be in awe of their boundless creativity .. and of course a dash of liberalism
They can really pull off a good act that leave many people fooled, even though the green little devil mascot is a household icon
Of course I must admit some of the gags do get repetitive, but nonetheless it is still endless hours of amusement
Humour can be such a wonderful, uplifting thing, why shouldn't we have more of it then?
I won't go into the scientific details on why humour is good, but basically the chemicals that are released when you laugh are supposedly beneficial to our health
Let's laugh :)
I just can't seem to stop laughing at the funny albeit stupid pranks/jokes that they make onto hapless poor innocent people
You name it, they've done it
I can't help but be in awe of their boundless creativity .. and of course a dash of liberalism
They can really pull off a good act that leave many people fooled, even though the green little devil mascot is a household icon
Of course I must admit some of the gags do get repetitive, but nonetheless it is still endless hours of amusement
Humour can be such a wonderful, uplifting thing, why shouldn't we have more of it then?
I won't go into the scientific details on why humour is good, but basically the chemicals that are released when you laugh are supposedly beneficial to our health
Let's laugh :)
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Raising Standards
My parents are watching Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen
(as usual, my father bought another version - ended up getting crap quality... lol but oh well.. what do you expect with a couple of dollars? Haha I am not hinting anything ;) )
Watched snippets of that uber cool show
seriously, second time and I am still dumbstruck by the superb 3d graphics and animation..
which leads me to this post
Do you realise our standards for graphics have skyrocketed in the past few years. With the introduction of CG-technology into films in the beginning of the 21st Century, we have seen an increasing number of films utilising such graphics and stretching the limits of computer animation. Every new blockbuster show will certainly emphasise on the new technological barriers broken during the production of the film - Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and recently Transformers, not to mention all your new horror flicks powered by your dear animators.
*oh man the robot morphling is so darn cool and sleek*
*oh gawd look at the freaking gazillion armies of Mordor*
*wow cool spells and effects*
But do you realise that with each new show, our expectations are pushed further and further? Like now we expect alot of computer graphics in our shows, and that the animation should be on epic proportions. Oh well, but then again, should we lower our standards? I don't think so :) besides we are paying a hefty $6 to watch in the cinema.
Think about this, and link this to our life.
Our parents keep saying how lucky our lives are these days, with a relatively high standard of living and ... yea you know what we mean.. but we keep putting them down, saying how life sucks and school is boring and bla bla bla (put rant here)
So should we stop our ranting, because we are technically "supposed to be glad of the increased comforts in our lifes"?
Or treat life like how we treat each movie before we watch it - supposed to be better and better each day...
(as usual, my father bought another version - ended up getting crap quality... lol but oh well.. what do you expect with a couple of dollars? Haha I am not hinting anything ;) )
Watched snippets of that uber cool show
seriously, second time and I am still dumbstruck by the superb 3d graphics and animation..
which leads me to this post
Do you realise our standards for graphics have skyrocketed in the past few years. With the introduction of CG-technology into films in the beginning of the 21st Century, we have seen an increasing number of films utilising such graphics and stretching the limits of computer animation. Every new blockbuster show will certainly emphasise on the new technological barriers broken during the production of the film - Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and recently Transformers, not to mention all your new horror flicks powered by your dear animators.
*oh man the robot morphling is so darn cool and sleek*
*oh gawd look at the freaking gazillion armies of Mordor*
*wow cool spells and effects*
But do you realise that with each new show, our expectations are pushed further and further? Like now we expect alot of computer graphics in our shows, and that the animation should be on epic proportions. Oh well, but then again, should we lower our standards? I don't think so :) besides we are paying a hefty $6 to watch in the cinema.
Think about this, and link this to our life.
Our parents keep saying how lucky our lives are these days, with a relatively high standard of living and ... yea you know what we mean.. but we keep putting them down, saying how life sucks and school is boring and bla bla bla (put rant here)
So should we stop our ranting, because we are technically "supposed to be glad of the increased comforts in our lifes"?
Or treat life like how we treat each movie before we watch it - supposed to be better and better each day...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
$2 free hugs?
I think this is seriously cool.
I mean who will pay $2 for free hugs, and furthermore there's another guy giving away free hugs for free?
Ok ignore the pun there, it is just a prank.
But ultimately, that guy's perseverance, thick hide and great convincing skills astound me.
see for yourself
Saturday, July 25, 2009
oh wow..
the blogger toolbar (the one where you see above every blog) kinda screwed up ... it was apparently blackened out and it said "Objectionable content" .. wonder what happened
Anyway, I changed pencil case! Haha its bigger, and I personally think is nicer.. cuz its blue! and yes.. it has a special touch.
Last of all, its free :D
the blogger toolbar (the one where you see above every blog) kinda screwed up ... it was apparently blackened out and it said "Objectionable content" .. wonder what happened
Anyway, I changed pencil case! Haha its bigger, and I personally think is nicer.. cuz its blue! and yes.. it has a special touch.
Last of all, its free :D
Thursday, July 23, 2009
This week
This week is quite retardedly retarded.
Oh well, so many choices, so many things to do ... but where's the time, where's the credibility, and where's the confidence?
Oh well, so many choices, so many things to do ... but where's the time, where's the credibility, and where's the confidence?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Oh my gosh
I think I am Harry Potter and Transformers crazy!
Last week just watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, then spent the entire weekend reading up on the backstory and other plots on wikipedia
This week I watched Harry Potter Half Blood Prince :D
Was delighted hehe, having to watch this movie myself with (my money lol)
And unsurprisingly, I was reading up on the ENTIRE Harry Potter universe on the web.
And I think I read through this online HP guide book : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Muggles'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter which basically explains all the hidden stuff that a reader might miss whilst reading the book, and also pieces the entire story together
I dreamt I was in a Harry Potter-cum-Transformers world. Which was totally random. I was like this main protagonist, and I was casting mass "Stupefies" or "Expelliarmus" as such against other random people. And my allies are transformers LOL. Holy shit dont ask me why. But I think I am seriously insane
I think I am Harry Potter and Transformers crazy!
Last week just watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, then spent the entire weekend reading up on the backstory and other plots on wikipedia
This week I watched Harry Potter Half Blood Prince :D
Was delighted hehe, having to watch this movie myself with (my money lol)
And unsurprisingly, I was reading up on the ENTIRE Harry Potter universe on the web.
And I think I read through this online HP guide book : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Muggles'_Guide_to_Harry_Potter which basically explains all the hidden stuff that a reader might miss whilst reading the book, and also pieces the entire story together
I dreamt I was in a Harry Potter-cum-Transformers world. Which was totally random. I was like this main protagonist, and I was casting mass "Stupefies" or "Expelliarmus" as such against other random people. And my allies are transformers LOL. Holy shit dont ask me why. But I think I am seriously insane
Monday, July 13, 2009
I swatted a fly ...
... With my BARE HANDS
damnit you know how hard is it to do that?
whether it actually died or what it doesnt matter :P
hehe its a great accomplishment anyways
damnit you know how hard is it to do that?
whether it actually died or what it doesnt matter :P
hehe its a great accomplishment anyways
Thursday, July 09, 2009
you know what people
I just realised how futile it is to portray your fears
Maybe I should next time keep mum about how I did
Maybe provide default answers
Maybe even lie in order to receive acceptance and agreement
Basically I should not breathe a word about my real sentiments
I think that'll be more peaceful to you, and to me
Maybe I should next time keep mum about how I did
Maybe provide default answers
Maybe even lie in order to receive acceptance and agreement
Basically I should not breathe a word about my real sentiments
I think that'll be more peaceful to you, and to me
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
My body is wasted on me
Quoted from my friend, who made this remark.
Basically, she was commenting on how my (skinny) body should be given to a girl instead of a guy.
To what extent do you agree? :O
Basically, she was commenting on how my (skinny) body should be given to a girl instead of a guy.
To what extent do you agree? :O
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Singapore Short Story Project
Was watching the Singapore Short Story Project on okto after dinner
Featuring Tan Kheng Hua (who was featured in Phua Chu Kang as PCK's brother's wife) and the small fat boy from Fighting Spiders
The theme revolved around several key issues that are descriptive of the world's diverse morphism - homosexualism, divorce(-ism?), single parent family, ageing
I must say I am impressed with the directing and scriptwriting
The acting was ok, maybe because it was Tan Kheng Hua acting so it was an added bonus that they got an experienced drama actress
But what this drama set itself apart from other drama is that it focuses alot on the bewilderment expressed by this mother who has.... to experience a cumulation of "traumatic" events occuring to her
There were several instances where we get to hear her "inner voice", that voice in your head that speaks to you whenever your mouth doesn't
And I also liked the way the scriptwriters and directors subtlely express their liberal opinion about the changing forces of our society- at the same time addressing to our societal stand against these (conservative society).
And lastly,
"Even though there had been a seismic shift in my family, everything else in Singapore will still go on. Nothing else have changed, only my knowledge"
What a nice quote
Featuring Tan Kheng Hua (who was featured in Phua Chu Kang as PCK's brother's wife) and the small fat boy from Fighting Spiders
The theme revolved around several key issues that are descriptive of the world's diverse morphism - homosexualism, divorce(-ism?), single parent family, ageing
I must say I am impressed with the directing and scriptwriting
The acting was ok, maybe because it was Tan Kheng Hua acting so it was an added bonus that they got an experienced drama actress
But what this drama set itself apart from other drama is that it focuses alot on the bewilderment expressed by this mother who has.... to experience a cumulation of "traumatic" events occuring to her
There were several instances where we get to hear her "inner voice", that voice in your head that speaks to you whenever your mouth doesn't
And I also liked the way the scriptwriters and directors subtlely express their liberal opinion about the changing forces of our society- at the same time addressing to our societal stand against these (conservative society).
And lastly,
"Even though there had been a seismic shift in my family, everything else in Singapore will still go on. Nothing else have changed, only my knowledge"
What a nice quote
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
School's starting.. so what?
Oh yea, school reopens tomorrow.
And I have an examination tomorrow. But why am I acting/feeling as though it will be just another day of boring school? mmm.. anything wrong with me? :(
And I have an examination tomorrow. But why am I acting/feeling as though it will be just another day of boring school? mmm.. anything wrong with me? :(
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Chek Jawa
So I went to chek jawa today
Had to wake up 5.30am
Which is some unearthly hour that students used to wake up at during school time
So yea, but I was kind of excited, I mean I have heard so much about chek jawa, but didn't have the time (or rather the drive) to visit it mmmm
Changi Point Jetty has been upgraded!
Much to my dismay though :(
I missed the old rickety way of hopping onboard those bum boats, but now we have this super sturdy construction, which totally spoils the fun of threading on water XD
Ok, that aside, Chek Jawa is relatively accessible as I found out.
1 way Boat trip = $2.50
1 Bicycle rent for whole day = $2+
Guided tour for group of 9~12= $50+
So yea, there might be a possibility I will be back there.. this time with a group of friends? :D
Was lucky because it was low tide
Ok la, not say lucky, because according to the teachers, NParks only release a limited number of guided tours per month, to coincide with low tide periods.
And yes, I went with a group of teachers from Xingnan Primary, my mum's school! It was actually a science department outing that resembles some of my own outings - only <1/2 the department turned up. But well, since it is only once in a blue moon where I go to Chek Jawa, so why not. Besides I am adult already right? XD
Ok back to the place itself. Ironically, it ISNT an island, what I previously thought it was. ._. Yea it is just a far end of eastern Pulau Ubin, the opposite of my Sec 3 Pulau Ubin OBS area (which is in the west).
I touched sea anemone (the non-poisonous one DUH). And they DON'T look as cute as the one you see in Finding Nemo (DUH again). They are squishy. Fun to poke XD Ok I wasn't that abusive ok!! Just testing if the anemone is alive or not :) And they "suck" you slightly. Anyway the guide says that the anemone will attempt to fire poison into you, but humans all too thick-skinned, so the poison wont affect us a tad bit :) Haha, and yea it was quite gross, and also cute at the same time, see all the small tentacles pushing "food" into their mouth in the centre, which looks like 1 BIG MOUTH. (ok lame ._.)
Then I also saw the hermit crab personally... mm doesnt look like a hermit to me. But it is really damn shy la, hide in a shell all its life. Imagine living in empty houses - just that all the empty houses just differ in size lol.
Then got seastar , starfish, starrie, star whatever you call it. Ok la, I knew what to expect, but didnt get to really touch it first hand! Mmm
I realised that I know quite a number of animals already :) Just that I never saw them WITH MY OWN EYES, or rather them alive. Only see them on TV or books.
So I saw an eagle, hornbills, sea dollar, seaweed (LOL), sea fan, mudskipper (ok saw alot of this b4), Fiddler Crab, sea cucumber (I saw before too, but not in the mud), hermit crab... I think these are the main ones. Saw just too many barnacles and mussels, but can eat none oh well :(
Haha, the guide said sea dollar is used as mermaid currency ._.
So ... it was eye opener, for someone cooped up at home.
AND I am not sure if I kena bitten by sand flies. The guide says sand flies bite only itch the NEXT DAY, and its DAMN ITCHY!
Damn, I am scared. Oh noes :( HELPP
Anyway, was browsing through youtube today, and saw this girl putting makeup to cosplay Lady GaGa. Haha I think she's quite good!
And this is for fire enthusiasts:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niahDgsaaeA (Embing disabled :( )
Had to wake up 5.30am
Which is some unearthly hour that students used to wake up at during school time
So yea, but I was kind of excited, I mean I have heard so much about chek jawa, but didn't have the time (or rather the drive) to visit it mmmm
Changi Point Jetty has been upgraded!
Much to my dismay though :(
I missed the old rickety way of hopping onboard those bum boats, but now we have this super sturdy construction, which totally spoils the fun of threading on water XD
Ok, that aside, Chek Jawa is relatively accessible as I found out.
1 way Boat trip = $2.50
1 Bicycle rent for whole day = $2+
Guided tour for group of 9~12= $50+
So yea, there might be a possibility I will be back there.. this time with a group of friends? :D
Was lucky because it was low tide
Ok la, not say lucky, because according to the teachers, NParks only release a limited number of guided tours per month, to coincide with low tide periods.
And yes, I went with a group of teachers from Xingnan Primary, my mum's school! It was actually a science department outing that resembles some of my own outings - only <1/2 the department turned up. But well, since it is only once in a blue moon where I go to Chek Jawa, so why not. Besides I am adult already right? XD
Ok back to the place itself. Ironically, it ISNT an island, what I previously thought it was. ._. Yea it is just a far end of eastern Pulau Ubin, the opposite of my Sec 3 Pulau Ubin OBS area (which is in the west).
I touched sea anemone (the non-poisonous one DUH). And they DON'T look as cute as the one you see in Finding Nemo (DUH again). They are squishy. Fun to poke XD Ok I wasn't that abusive ok!! Just testing if the anemone is alive or not :) And they "suck" you slightly. Anyway the guide says that the anemone will attempt to fire poison into you, but humans all too thick-skinned, so the poison wont affect us a tad bit :) Haha, and yea it was quite gross, and also cute at the same time, see all the small tentacles pushing "food" into their mouth in the centre, which looks like 1 BIG MOUTH. (ok lame ._.)
Then I also saw the hermit crab personally... mm doesnt look like a hermit to me. But it is really damn shy la, hide in a shell all its life. Imagine living in empty houses - just that all the empty houses just differ in size lol.
Then got seastar , starfish, starrie, star whatever you call it. Ok la, I knew what to expect, but didnt get to really touch it first hand! Mmm
I realised that I know quite a number of animals already :) Just that I never saw them WITH MY OWN EYES, or rather them alive. Only see them on TV or books.
So I saw an eagle, hornbills, sea dollar, seaweed (LOL), sea fan, mudskipper (ok saw alot of this b4), Fiddler Crab, sea cucumber (I saw before too, but not in the mud), hermit crab... I think these are the main ones. Saw just too many barnacles and mussels, but can eat none oh well :(
Haha, the guide said sea dollar is used as mermaid currency ._.
So ... it was eye opener, for someone cooped up at home.
AND I am not sure if I kena bitten by sand flies. The guide says sand flies bite only itch the NEXT DAY, and its DAMN ITCHY!
Damn, I am scared. Oh noes :( HELPP
Anyway, was browsing through youtube today, and saw this girl putting makeup to cosplay Lady GaGa. Haha I think she's quite good!
And this is for fire enthusiasts:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niahDgsaaeA (Embing disabled :( )
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Yours truly went for the NS Medical Checkup, and PES B is what I got. If you just want to know the gist, then you may stop here, but if you want to read a (semi) detailed chronological account, then continue!
Basically, the Medical checkup tested me on
1) Urine - lol, (gross stuff ahead) I was thinking of urinating just to get the liquid out of my body =X
2) Blood - :O started chatting with the medical officer to calm my nerves. then he asked, "are you trying to calm me down or calm yourself down" LOL ... oh my. then he told me that he never wished being in NS haha.. I think the chat kind of distracted me - cuz I saw the needle and *gulp*
3) Hearing - One of the most retarded test. Basically they play some UFO music, like those beep and spooky tooo tooo toooo sounds, and you raise your hand the instant you hear them, so basically I looked like mad retard training his arms for 1 minute. And the cabin inside was really soundproof, for a moment I thought I fainted ._. (PES A here)
4) Dental - This station was fastest, because I have braces my teeth configuration is PERFECT! :D .. but she was scanning through my jaw and went " ok, gone, ok, gone" 2 times, and I went o.O (Had to pluck out 4 teeth for my braces treatment lolx) (PES A here
5) Eyesight - My eyesight was, I felt, bad. I thought I could read well with either eye, then when the tested ended, I walked in front towards the chart and went "GG"... but surprisingly, I still got PES A? Maybe commandos are blind after all XD.
6) ECG - Had this metal probes stuck on me... and they were like tiny suckers. But cooling cuz.. they are metal? :D ... but FUNNILY, I was like looking for eugene and gang, and kept twitching, until the fed up personnel told me "Stop moving will you". And I think I got my just desserts - the ECG report came out with me having abnormal ECG. ._. ok to the uninformed, ECG basically measures your heartbeat. So .. mmm ? XD
I could have been the elite soldier - but now I am the (normal) soldier of the "downranked" PES B. Ok, you should be infering that PES A is better than PES B, and you are right! But oh well.
Thanks to my dad. He didn't want me to do much training, so he asked me to stress about my flat-footedness, which should qualify me for PES C = slack.
So I told the medical personnel checking me, who diagnosed it as "minor", so not only I didn't get my PES C, I didn't get my PES A! RAWR :(
Oh well. GRAH!
Government, got this willing soul to be PES A amongst the sea of PES A people wanting to be PES C... can change? :P
Basically, the Medical checkup tested me on
1) Urine - lol, (gross stuff ahead) I was thinking of urinating just to get the liquid out of my body =X
2) Blood - :O started chatting with the medical officer to calm my nerves. then he asked, "are you trying to calm me down or calm yourself down" LOL ... oh my. then he told me that he never wished being in NS haha.. I think the chat kind of distracted me - cuz I saw the needle and *gulp*
3) Hearing - One of the most retarded test. Basically they play some UFO music, like those beep and spooky tooo tooo toooo sounds, and you raise your hand the instant you hear them, so basically I looked like mad retard training his arms for 1 minute. And the cabin inside was really soundproof, for a moment I thought I fainted ._. (PES A here)
4) Dental - This station was fastest, because I have braces my teeth configuration is PERFECT! :D .. but she was scanning through my jaw and went " ok, gone, ok, gone" 2 times, and I went o.O (Had to pluck out 4 teeth for my braces treatment lolx) (PES A here
5) Eyesight - My eyesight was, I felt, bad. I thought I could read well with either eye, then when the tested ended, I walked in front towards the chart and went "GG"... but surprisingly, I still got PES A? Maybe commandos are blind after all XD.
6) ECG - Had this metal probes stuck on me... and they were like tiny suckers. But cooling cuz.. they are metal? :D ... but FUNNILY, I was like looking for eugene and gang, and kept twitching, until the fed up personnel told me "Stop moving will you". And I think I got my just desserts - the ECG report came out with me having abnormal ECG. ._. ok to the uninformed, ECG basically measures your heartbeat. So .. mmm ? XD
I could have been the elite soldier - but now I am the (normal) soldier of the "downranked" PES B. Ok, you should be infering that PES A is better than PES B, and you are right! But oh well.
Thanks to my dad. He didn't want me to do much training, so he asked me to stress about my flat-footedness, which should qualify me for PES C = slack.
So I told the medical personnel checking me, who diagnosed it as "minor", so not only I didn't get my PES C, I didn't get my PES A! RAWR :(
Oh well. GRAH!
Government, got this willing soul to be PES A amongst the sea of PES A people wanting to be PES C... can change? :P
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Sunburnt impression
my sunburn is still there.... but thankfully it is already subsiding
thanks to my wonderful skin of course! (:
but the more significant fact that it has left a burning impression on me.. literally and figuratively
the sunburn kept reminding me of the happy times I spent the last 2 days (thursday and friday), having great absolute fun with ... my juniors - yes I was from Clementi Primary School.
Had loads, cartons, boxes of fun, dealing with kids at least 6 years younger than me.
You can only marvel at the amount of creativity and spontaneity that these kids have in their blood. The sense of innocence - apart from the vulgarities that possibly taint them - is really a breather from everyday hectic life of being the "mature" being we are supposed to be.
Of course, my group is relatively more tame, and hence less spontaneous than other groups. But none the less, I love the kids very much.
It is really satisfying when the kids keep calling out for you, doing stuff with you. It just shows that they KNOW you, and they include you, and of course they give smiles and waves just so cutely (just like someone).
Even though tiring, it was as though I had gone for a 2 day vacation, time well spent to recharge my energies :)
thanks to my wonderful skin of course! (:
but the more significant fact that it has left a burning impression on me.. literally and figuratively
the sunburn kept reminding me of the happy times I spent the last 2 days (thursday and friday), having great absolute fun with ... my juniors - yes I was from Clementi Primary School.
Had loads, cartons, boxes of fun, dealing with kids at least 6 years younger than me.
You can only marvel at the amount of creativity and spontaneity that these kids have in their blood. The sense of innocence - apart from the vulgarities that possibly taint them - is really a breather from everyday hectic life of being the "mature" being we are supposed to be.
Of course, my group is relatively more tame, and hence less spontaneous than other groups. But none the less, I love the kids very much.
It is really satisfying when the kids keep calling out for you, doing stuff with you. It just shows that they KNOW you, and they include you, and of course they give smiles and waves just so cutely (just like someone).
Even though tiring, it was as though I had gone for a 2 day vacation, time well spent to recharge my energies :)
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Don't wash your dirty linen in public
That cliche phrase that we learnt in primary school can jolly well be a fine example of what Singaporeans love to do - the contrary in fact
With the high-rising flats that we have, the one that helped eliminate the need for squatters and slums, comes the ....
I tell you, to those Singapore-haters and Singapore-disbelievers, that Singapore is seriously one unique society that no other society has ever seen before.
Lo and behold, the city with people who flash their dirty linen (ok more or less washed and clean) in public
We take pride in such things, so much that linen can include literally anything that has linen in it
be it shoes to clothes to lingerie to .... bags and pillow cases
And one walking along the "alleyway" can look up to find a whole lot of creative juices spent
But hey, before you cringe in despair over our lack of ... graciousness and class, we get to save a hell lot of electricity (and money) by using renewable sources of energy.
I think we are just the most classic, efficient and sustainable solution of capturing solar energy - better than those solar farms that span deserts in Texas in the US. mmmm....
So, who says we should not wash dirty linen in public?
We very well do the literal right here in this sunny island.
(In case you are wondering, the above post was inspired as I was going home today. Was thinking of my conversation with weisin about Singapore's unique culture)
The battle's over.
Maybe it was a battle that was already lost from the start?
I tried I attempted I forgot I died?
Yea. Screwed up, studied the whole lot of notes, and only a few came out. What shit. And those that I specialised on did not appear.
So yea.
Screwed up paper
Screwed up As.
With the high-rising flats that we have, the one that helped eliminate the need for squatters and slums, comes the ....
I tell you, to those Singapore-haters and Singapore-disbelievers, that Singapore is seriously one unique society that no other society has ever seen before.
Lo and behold, the city with people who flash their dirty linen (ok more or less washed and clean) in public
We take pride in such things, so much that linen can include literally anything that has linen in it
be it shoes to clothes to lingerie to .... bags and pillow cases
And one walking along the "alleyway" can look up to find a whole lot of creative juices spent
But hey, before you cringe in despair over our lack of ... graciousness and class, we get to save a hell lot of electricity (and money) by using renewable sources of energy.
I think we are just the most classic, efficient and sustainable solution of capturing solar energy - better than those solar farms that span deserts in Texas in the US. mmmm....
So, who says we should not wash dirty linen in public?
We very well do the literal right here in this sunny island.
(In case you are wondering, the above post was inspired as I was going home today. Was thinking of my conversation with weisin about Singapore's unique culture)
The battle's over.
Maybe it was a battle that was already lost from the start?
I tried I attempted I forgot I died?
Yea. Screwed up, studied the whole lot of notes, and only a few came out. What shit. And those that I specialised on did not appear.
So yea.
Screwed up paper
Screwed up As.
Tis' de day has come
The time has come...
It is quite early considering taking an A level examination 6 months ahead?
I hope I can pull through this one.
1 week of intense mugging, like never before... I hope ... I really really hope.
I should have listened more during lectures, or participated in tutorials... maybe we were just too complacent and short-termed?
Or maybe I shouldn't have even taken the subject...
*switches on calming music, not songs*
It is quite early considering taking an A level examination 6 months ahead?
I hope I can pull through this one.
1 week of intense mugging, like never before... I hope ... I really really hope.
I should have listened more during lectures, or participated in tutorials... maybe we were just too complacent and short-termed?
Or maybe I shouldn't have even taken the subject...
*switches on calming music, not songs*
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sian... studying H3 isnt fun at all!
Ok la... it is fun... but it seemed that I am losing steam! D:
and the stupid humid weather is seriously killing me...
washing hands every other hour so that my hands wont feel so sticky and yucky?
Don't want to switch on the air-con even though it will provide comfort... want to save money + electricity.
Ok la... it is fun... but it seemed that I am losing steam! D:
and the stupid humid weather is seriously killing me...
washing hands every other hour so that my hands wont feel so sticky and yucky?
Don't want to switch on the air-con even though it will provide comfort... want to save money + electricity.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
• Does not like too many work demands, prefers to work at own pace.
• Empathetic, understanding, helpful and supportive.
• Faithful, trustworthy and devoted in long-term relationships.
• Sees people as nice and friendly, not comfortable to wheel and deal.
• Less inclined to decide how and what needs to be done ahead of schedule.
• Needs clear and thorough instructions, slow to act when uncertain.
Interesting interpretation of me. I am quite surprised by its accuracy! But it looks like I am a sucky worker, lol, not adaptable and changing. And it looks like I can be a tourism fella, but seriously I CAN'T SELL!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I don't believe that even one night off can lead to destruction of my A levels or my Blocks.
I do not know why they are so stressed over my grades.
Ok, as in, just a night off to provide more closure for my beloved CCA 黄城 - elections and mini performances - and I am officially no longer involved in such events anymore.
Why jump ship when so far I need not do anything on the ship and its just .. the last 50m lap to reach the shore to "freedom"?
Gosh. Seriously.
and i think i can forget about going to Dance Night unless I produce a good excuse
I do not know why they are so stressed over my grades.
Ok, as in, just a night off to provide more closure for my beloved CCA 黄城 - elections and mini performances - and I am officially no longer involved in such events anymore.
Why jump ship when so far I need not do anything on the ship and its just .. the last 50m lap to reach the shore to "freedom"?
Gosh. Seriously.
and i think i can forget about going to Dance Night unless I produce a good excuse
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
On service learning
Admit it, many people conduct it for the portfolio goal in mind.
I mean, the humongous time and sweat spent on making someone else happy (long-term projects I mean, not those flag day stuff) could be "better" spent on going out with friends, chilling out at the beach, or just playing games and watching movies. Why bother planning so much when you can use that desired June/December holidays to pamper yourself? It is that feeling of the need to keep up with the rest that drives many to take up service-learning project. It is common understanding that any employer would prefer an employee who have done such project before to someone who don't, and prefer someone who did MORE than the other.
So essentially its like an arms-race, just that many don't see it... or don't admit it - they just want to appear "altruistic".
However, many also realise the happiness and enjoyment they derive from conducting such activities... even by-standers also smile at them in envy
Including me...
Sometimes you wish that you could be part of the project, playing with kids, mentoring them (majority of the SL projects involve mentoring btw)... but then soon after reality knocks on your door - you have previously decided not to be part of it
So is this a mistake on my part? For being envious of something which I could go but I didn't choose to go?
Or is this an intelligent choice I made? Being envious but saving alot of time in the long run?
I am not sure
Complexities of life are really ... complex
I mean, the humongous time and sweat spent on making someone else happy (long-term projects I mean, not those flag day stuff) could be "better" spent on going out with friends, chilling out at the beach, or just playing games and watching movies. Why bother planning so much when you can use that desired June/December holidays to pamper yourself? It is that feeling of the need to keep up with the rest that drives many to take up service-learning project. It is common understanding that any employer would prefer an employee who have done such project before to someone who don't, and prefer someone who did MORE than the other.
So essentially its like an arms-race, just that many don't see it... or don't admit it - they just want to appear "altruistic".
However, many also realise the happiness and enjoyment they derive from conducting such activities... even by-standers also smile at them in envy
Including me...
Sometimes you wish that you could be part of the project, playing with kids, mentoring them (majority of the SL projects involve mentoring btw)... but then soon after reality knocks on your door - you have previously decided not to be part of it
So is this a mistake on my part? For being envious of something which I could go but I didn't choose to go?
Or is this an intelligent choice I made? Being envious but saving alot of time in the long run?
I am not sure
Complexities of life are really ... complex
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
baika king
while hanging clothes, whacked my elbow against the wall... and its not the nerves which were hit (where you get that temporary tingling sensation)
I hit my muscle / tendon.. and 4 hours later it is still having that dull sensation, and when I pull up my arm (the one where you show bulging biceps), it hurts?
And my left feet is now in some pain, whenever I step hard. Apparently 3 weeks of supporting 80% of my body weight did more harm than good. Aiyo...
For my right foot... it is healing, key word: -ing ...
So I just rubbed ointment in all 3 areas.. hopefully by Tuesday I will be fit enough for NAPFA >.<
while hanging clothes, whacked my elbow against the wall... and its not the nerves which were hit (where you get that temporary tingling sensation)
I hit my muscle / tendon.. and 4 hours later it is still having that dull sensation, and when I pull up my arm (the one where you show bulging biceps), it hurts?
And my left feet is now in some pain, whenever I step hard. Apparently 3 weeks of supporting 80% of my body weight did more harm than good. Aiyo...
For my right foot... it is healing, key word: -ing ...
So I just rubbed ointment in all 3 areas.. hopefully by Tuesday I will be fit enough for NAPFA >.<
give and take
ideally, everyone should give and take and enjoy a mutual relationship especially in delicate relationships like love and trust
however, human nature tends to shift this balance, always on either extreme, never at the center...
however, human nature tends to shift this balance, always on either extreme, never at the center...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
hurts again - day 24
oh my god, my ankle is hurting again.
it seems like I have been wearing my ankle guard for too long, and hence pressing upon my ankle.
Can it heal faster? Please! I want to regain my freedom!
it seems like I have been wearing my ankle guard for too long, and hence pressing upon my ankle.
Can it heal faster? Please! I want to regain my freedom!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
My Brilliant Birthday
I have to thank the 40-odd people who all wished me happy birthday on my 18th birthday.
I daresay I am really really really touched by the combined efforts by so many people
Never had such a celebration before - and this is mainly thanks to weisin!
I want to thank
- the people who wrote in the combined sketchbook: rhea, pearlyn, baihui, mei, sirius lin, ,joshua, kwang yueh, lowell, zhao bo, charles, edwin, felix, jia jun, brenda, eugene, emain, caitong, ziyan, kim yung, trixie, theresa, rachel, huifang, alton, den, jinni and WEISIN! (I hope I remembered everyone, because I am basing this off my memory now)
- those who wished me in school: junlin, amanda, jia han
- those who wished me via smses [excluding those who were included in the sketchbook]: weiyee, qiao wei (its alright! sleep more la, 3 hours is alright), chinying and ming xuan (WTH MING XUAN, you THINK YOU TALL AH! SMALL JUNIOR still want niao me ah! XD )
- my 灯光 people!
- those who facebook
In addition, there was a mudpie cake from Island Creamery! Haha, those who were lucky enough to witness it got to eat it, which was really really good I must say! All the love inside. (oh my, I keep spamming the word "love")
I must apologise to 灯光 for not being able to get the cake - in case I get cake overdose. But then again, I appreciate you all all the same :) Lovely juniors, great seniors!
See so many people!
I feel loved. I feel super loved! Oh yay!
Every page in the sketchbook is just ... heartwarming. I never have been felt so much appreciated and important before. thank you guys (and gals)
I will treasure every thing you all have done, especially you, who have put in so much so much effort. Damn, the bench mark is set so high >.< size="2">I shall start planning for birthdays now
I daresay I am really really really touched by the combined efforts by so many people
Never had such a celebration before - and this is mainly thanks to weisin!
I want to thank
- the people who wrote in the combined sketchbook: rhea, pearlyn, baihui, mei, sirius lin, ,joshua, kwang yueh, lowell, zhao bo, charles, edwin, felix, jia jun, brenda, eugene, emain, caitong, ziyan, kim yung, trixie, theresa, rachel, huifang, alton, den, jinni and WEISIN! (I hope I remembered everyone, because I am basing this off my memory now)
- those who wished me in school: junlin, amanda, jia han
- those who wished me via smses [excluding those who were included in the sketchbook]: weiyee, qiao wei (its alright! sleep more la, 3 hours is alright), chinying and ming xuan (WTH MING XUAN, you THINK YOU TALL AH! SMALL JUNIOR still want niao me ah! XD )
- my 灯光 people!
- those who facebook
In addition, there was a mudpie cake from Island Creamery! Haha, those who were lucky enough to witness it got to eat it, which was really really good I must say! All the love inside. (oh my, I keep spamming the word "love")
I must apologise to 灯光 for not being able to get the cake - in case I get cake overdose. But then again, I appreciate you all all the same :) Lovely juniors, great seniors!
See so many people!
I feel loved. I feel super loved! Oh yay!
Every page in the sketchbook is just ... heartwarming. I never have been felt so much appreciated and important before. thank you guys (and gals)
I will treasure every thing you all have done, especially you, who have put in so much so much effort. Damn, the bench mark is set so high >.< size="2">I shall start planning for birthdays now
Sunday night, I don't think I need to explain why I cannot to blog, even though the mood was there.
Last night I was unable to come online due to my father forcing me to sleep early.
黄城 2009 ended off with a bang!
After 3 months of hard work (Ok I did slack along the way), it finally ended off with a 精彩演出 (excellent performance). Apart from some screw ups, it was nonetheless still ... amazing.
For instance, during the matinee show, the final song for 唱一首华初的歌 failed to play. Then moxiang just singing the song music, and everyone just sang that song without the background music! Oh my, you know how sweet and nice was that? It was like an perfect imperfection! I seriously thought that that should have occured during Sunday night show, which is supposed to be the cumulation of everything of 黄城, and it will seriously create that special touch.
Being a J2, responsibilities are different. You now realise that you must indeed set a good example for your juniors, and that they are looking up to you for guidance. You have to garner support, make them bonded and lastly, make them interested. I hoped I have succeeded in them, apparently the 灯光组 juniors are seriously, good. I must really praise all of you for your hard work, dedication, enthusiasm and lastly, high-ness.
This year, I got the golden opportunity to touch the lights board :D OH YEA! you know how frigging cool it was! Haha, I literally spent... 70% of my VT time in that small air-con room! I spent so much time there I was called "techie" ... =( oh well, I shall take it as a complement! Haha. But yea, the new board is really cool, and actually quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. But to be honest, it is really good to be able to learn, and then teach 灯光 how to use it. Juniors, you have to also do so ... Ok I may sound complacent, but that's my own feeling.
I must thank alton and annie for being able to plan such wonderful lighting effects, which imo is better than last year. I hoped I didnt hindered you all in any way or another, in your rapid rush to finish plotting... (but in the end we actually finished!)
Especially alton though, I really appreciate the attempts you make to involve me in your planning of lights. Even though you are the lights designer, you provided me with opportunities for me to provide some suggestions, you know how warm that gesture was? It made me feel important, and that's one of the best thing you can ever give to your "subordinates". And the night you spent at my house, I will forever remember that, always. You injected new meaning and life into me, and made me feel proud of 黄城. Thank you alton chang.
For Baihui and Huey Jeen, OH YEA YOU GUYS ARE GREAT J2s! Wheee!!! What a great batch we were, good work to us for helping our 组长! :D hahahaha! OH YEA!!!
and the juniors.. you ROCKS (keyword: "you", not "yous")
Overall, 黄城 was indeed successful, I am already suffering from PhD. =X
Shuffling of papers = scrollers moving
cool eh?
Last night I was unable to come online due to my father forcing me to sleep early.
黄城 2009 ended off with a bang!
After 3 months of hard work (Ok I did slack along the way), it finally ended off with a 精彩演出 (excellent performance). Apart from some screw ups, it was nonetheless still ... amazing.
For instance, during the matinee show, the final song for 唱一首华初的歌 failed to play. Then moxiang just singing the song music, and everyone just sang that song without the background music! Oh my, you know how sweet and nice was that? It was like an perfect imperfection! I seriously thought that that should have occured during Sunday night show, which is supposed to be the cumulation of everything of 黄城, and it will seriously create that special touch.
Being a J2, responsibilities are different. You now realise that you must indeed set a good example for your juniors, and that they are looking up to you for guidance. You have to garner support, make them bonded and lastly, make them interested. I hoped I have succeeded in them, apparently the 灯光组 juniors are seriously, good. I must really praise all of you for your hard work, dedication, enthusiasm and lastly, high-ness.
This year, I got the golden opportunity to touch the lights board :D OH YEA! you know how frigging cool it was! Haha, I literally spent... 70% of my VT time in that small air-con room! I spent so much time there I was called "techie" ... =( oh well, I shall take it as a complement! Haha. But yea, the new board is really cool, and actually quite easy to use once you get the hang of it. But to be honest, it is really good to be able to learn, and then teach 灯光 how to use it. Juniors, you have to also do so ... Ok I may sound complacent, but that's my own feeling.
I must thank alton and annie for being able to plan such wonderful lighting effects, which imo is better than last year. I hoped I didnt hindered you all in any way or another, in your rapid rush to finish plotting... (but in the end we actually finished!)
Especially alton though, I really appreciate the attempts you make to involve me in your planning of lights. Even though you are the lights designer, you provided me with opportunities for me to provide some suggestions, you know how warm that gesture was? It made me feel important, and that's one of the best thing you can ever give to your "subordinates". And the night you spent at my house, I will forever remember that, always. You injected new meaning and life into me, and made me feel proud of 黄城. Thank you alton chang.
For Baihui and Huey Jeen, OH YEA YOU GUYS ARE GREAT J2s! Wheee!!! What a great batch we were, good work to us for helping our 组长! :D hahahaha! OH YEA!!!
and the juniors.. you ROCKS (keyword: "you", not "yous")
Overall, 黄城 was indeed successful, I am already suffering from PhD. =X
Shuffling of papers = scrollers moving
cool eh?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
trouble - day 16
Ok, my feet is not in hot soup, or that'll burn.
In fact, my feet is still healing! But I still cannot run! :'( oh well... 3 more days to heal!
However, a greater trouble is looming. I really hope it will not reach us... c'mon everyone, it is just the end of the week!
I do not wish to comment any further, gosh this is really tiring.
In fact, my feet is still healing! But I still cannot run! :'( oh well... 3 more days to heal!
However, a greater trouble is looming. I really hope it will not reach us... c'mon everyone, it is just the end of the week!
I do not wish to comment any further, gosh this is really tiring.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
can run, a bit - day 14
Oh yea, I could attend 谢幕 on Saturday, which means I can run!
Ok, that running was over... 5 metres, so I don't think I will still be able to attend 2.4km run. Oh well, that's good anyway, because I have to train for my NAPFA now
Next week is going to be a damn busy week
黄城, which my parents unwillingly submitted to let their son go
(seriously, they are just too pragmatic it is getting on my nerves)
I doubt I can actually attend SYF... I want, but I have to see.
+ my paper which I have to submit by Friday
oh well.. busy busy!
Shit, I am getting too distracted these days, gah, bloody games.
Have to start mugging!
Ok, that running was over... 5 metres, so I don't think I will still be able to attend 2.4km run. Oh well, that's good anyway, because I have to train for my NAPFA now
Next week is going to be a damn busy week
黄城, which my parents unwillingly submitted to let their son go
(seriously, they are just too pragmatic it is getting on my nerves)
I doubt I can actually attend SYF... I want, but I have to see.
+ my paper which I have to submit by Friday
oh well.. busy busy!
Shit, I am getting too distracted these days, gah, bloody games.
Have to start mugging!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
again still on the road to recovery - day 11
my foot and my ankle is ok
but still cannot run, because it hurts when i do so
please heal FULLY by 公演 thank you!
Anyway, today I learnt a couple of new things
1. Doing what you like, even if for 1 or 2 more weeks, will "kill" your A levels
2. It is really hard to fathom the complexities behind each person
3. I can no longer play "goodie-goodie" or what they call "delegative leadership", I have to put a stand for what I want, not what others want
4. I have to break the barrier of my parents if I want to do what I want
5. I am indeed important - or rather I feel important, thanks for the feedback
6. Inefficiency is the key time waster
7. Books are great to keep your mind preoccupied.
but still cannot run, because it hurts when i do so
please heal FULLY by 公演 thank you!
Anyway, today I learnt a couple of new things
1. Doing what you like, even if for 1 or 2 more weeks, will "kill" your A levels
2. It is really hard to fathom the complexities behind each person
3. I can no longer play "goodie-goodie" or what they call "delegative leadership", I have to put a stand for what I want, not what others want
4. I have to break the barrier of my parents if I want to do what I want
5. I am indeed important - or rather I feel important, thanks for the feedback
6. Inefficiency is the key time waster
7. Books are great to keep your mind preoccupied.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
still on the road to recovery - day 9
I think my recovery didn't make much progress.
Maybe I have too little sleep?
Maybe I am walking around too much?
My ankle is still the same way it was yesterday, slightly swollen.
Why must the last part of recovery also coincidentally be the longest part, and the more excruciating. Its like .. "so near yet so far ", that cliche statement that we use.
But then again, just some self-restrain, and wait a few more days.. I should be alright =)
Now that I have learnt, or rather tasted what it is like to be really in their shoes
I have to make changes to the way I speak and the suggestions I make for them
Apparently I have learnt nothing,
Still my same old screwed up perception that has caused my suggestion to be vile in their eyes
One man's meat is another man's poison
I should have seen it from the start, shouldn't I?
It is really hard for me too, that feeling of helplessness
You want to lend a helping hand, but you instead unwittingly (maybe even not) throw a lifebuoy that requires certain special skill to use - which the person doesn't have
Isn't that akin to mocking the person? Or merely providing useless advice?
quickly wake up kevin seng
the words that I used are specially chosen, especially adjectives
Maybe I have too little sleep?
Maybe I am walking around too much?
My ankle is still the same way it was yesterday, slightly swollen.
Why must the last part of recovery also coincidentally be the longest part, and the more excruciating. Its like .. "so near yet so far ", that cliche statement that we use.
But then again, just some self-restrain, and wait a few more days.. I should be alright =)
Now that I have learnt, or rather tasted what it is like to be really in their shoes
I have to make changes to the way I speak and the suggestions I make for them
Apparently I have learnt nothing,
Still my same old screwed up perception that has caused my suggestion to be vile in their eyes
One man's meat is another man's poison
I should have seen it from the start, shouldn't I?
It is really hard for me too, that feeling of helplessness
You want to lend a helping hand, but you instead unwittingly (maybe even not) throw a lifebuoy that requires certain special skill to use - which the person doesn't have
Isn't that akin to mocking the person? Or merely providing useless advice?
quickly wake up kevin seng
the words that I used are specially chosen, especially adjectives
Monday, April 13, 2009
road to recovery - day 8
My foot is better now!
At least now I am certified to be able to shower without propping my leg, or need to wear ankle guard at home.
And I can take bus myself!
Oh yay, the rejuvenating taste of freedom is making me ecstatic!
But am I really healing on the inside?
My gum hurts again, what shit. really. this really sucks!
And... something else, even more inside.
I finally got the taste of what some of the people I am closest to is feeling
My attempt to put myself in my shoes kind of failed, because primarily I didn't really landed up in the same predicament as theirs. Mine was probably one off affair, but theirs was a plague to them.
At least I got a taste, somehow, but through another means
Gaming, and well, you can guess... constant dying and losing to other characters, and you should be able to get the analogy
And I tell you, to those who never really tasted constant beatings ... not as in personal goals, but rather not even able to survive (literally in the game).... it IS quite hard to imagine that feeling....
That feeling of hopelessness
That feeling of wanting to give up
That feeling of submission.
It is terrible.
I guess its a good eye opener for me.... and a great way to change my attitudes and thinking.
At least now I am certified to be able to shower without propping my leg, or need to wear ankle guard at home.
And I can take bus myself!
Oh yay, the rejuvenating taste of freedom is making me ecstatic!
But am I really healing on the inside?
My gum hurts again, what shit. really. this really sucks!
And... something else, even more inside.
I finally got the taste of what some of the people I am closest to is feeling
My attempt to put myself in my shoes kind of failed, because primarily I didn't really landed up in the same predicament as theirs. Mine was probably one off affair, but theirs was a plague to them.
At least I got a taste, somehow, but through another means
Gaming, and well, you can guess... constant dying and losing to other characters, and you should be able to get the analogy
And I tell you, to those who never really tasted constant beatings ... not as in personal goals, but rather not even able to survive (literally in the game).... it IS quite hard to imagine that feeling....
That feeling of hopelessness
That feeling of wanting to give up
That feeling of submission.
It is terrible.
I guess its a good eye opener for me.... and a great way to change my attitudes and thinking.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
released again - day 6
ok I got back my freedom to shower! Oh yea!
And the swelling subsided significantly.. ok at least I see something that LOOKS like an ankle now
Many thanks to those who wished me well, really appreciated it!
Shall confine myself to my chair for the weekend! I really want it to recover quickly by Monday!
At least give me back my independence, which I was robbed of =(
Sorry to those who were inconvenienced because of me!
And I want to play basketball again - Haha I am not daunted by this incident, really!
And the swelling subsided significantly.. ok at least I see something that LOOKS like an ankle now
Many thanks to those who wished me well, really appreciated it!
Shall confine myself to my chair for the weekend! I really want it to recover quickly by Monday!
At least give me back my independence, which I was robbed of =(
Sorry to those who were inconvenienced because of me!
And I want to play basketball again - Haha I am not daunted by this incident, really!
Thursday, April 09, 2009
bounded again - day 5
went to see the chinese doc again
and got my feet wrapped AGAIN
ok I think I just accidentally pushed my feet too hard - dull pain ringing in my bones
sian, another 2 days of no showering..
and I really hope I can go for 黄城 on saturday la
as well as be ok in time for monday!
and got my feet wrapped AGAIN
ok I think I just accidentally pushed my feet too hard - dull pain ringing in my bones
sian, another 2 days of no showering..
and I really hope I can go for 黄城 on saturday la
as well as be ok in time for monday!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
黄城夜韵 2009 - Yes 93.3 FM
Oh My God!
Listening to Jon Lee, Chen xi and someone else on air NOW! Right as I am blogging this!
Lol, the DJs are like hogging up the description.
... Jon Li totally ... sounds so down and so serious lolz!
"haha, 24 days left to go! What to do?"
and he called out Jason's name for .. no reason!
oh my god, state out our central theme: 力量 haha, and i heard that at least 5 times in a sentence XD
and the DJs are really good at making our show so interesting "了如指掌", "wow!"
Listening to Jon Lee, Chen xi and someone else on air NOW! Right as I am blogging this!
Lol, the DJs are like hogging up the description.
... Jon Li totally ... sounds so down and so serious lolz!
"haha, 24 days left to go! What to do?"
and he called out Jason's name for .. no reason!
oh my god, state out our central theme: 力量 haha, and i heard that at least 5 times in a sentence XD
and the DJs are really good at making our show so interesting "了如指掌", "wow!"
free, or pseudo-free? - day 4
Oh yea, the bandaged is removed! And all the herb stuff removed!
Ok, I don't mind the herb stuff, but I mind not being able to shower properly thanks to my leg
Haha, but I didn't really stink these few days I was in school even though I wasn't able to shower =D
That must have meant something about myself, hehe I very clean de.
But then, there is still some hint of swelling
Ok to console myself it has subsided, but then again precautions should be taken
I hope it will be the same not only for my leg
Time will heal all wounds
It will
Ok, I don't mind the herb stuff, but I mind not being able to shower properly thanks to my leg
Haha, but I didn't really stink these few days I was in school even though I wasn't able to shower =D
That must have meant something about myself, hehe I very clean de.
But then, there is still some hint of swelling
Ok to console myself it has subsided, but then again precautions should be taken
I hope it will be the same not only for my leg
Time will heal all wounds
It will
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
mood shifts - day 3b
ok, it is quite amazing how my mood can shift from one end to the other extreme
why must it be night times when all the moody issues are brought to light (pun intended)
I did not really appreciate the nature of the problem until I had a glimpse of how full blown it was
You cannot imagine how confused, hurt, I felt
I am not defending anyone, I also agree with some of them
But the polarity they have are just too great for my objective mind to take
Maybe I have overestimated people's ability to stay objective
And the mistakes I made today
And the realisation that I was still "crippled", just makes me hurt so much more
just forced me to break another promise
and skip something which I sorely miss and want to devote my time to
practicalities sometimes really suck
let me enjoy idealism for a moment thank you
why must it be night times when all the moody issues are brought to light (pun intended)
I did not really appreciate the nature of the problem until I had a glimpse of how full blown it was
You cannot imagine how confused, hurt, I felt
I am not defending anyone, I also agree with some of them
But the polarity they have are just too great for my objective mind to take
Maybe I have overestimated people's ability to stay objective
And the mistakes I made today
And the realisation that I was still "crippled", just makes me hurt so much more
just forced me to break another promise
and skip something which I sorely miss and want to devote my time to
practicalities sometimes really suck
let me enjoy idealism for a moment thank you
rejuvenated - day 3
oh yea! now I can walk with MUCH greater ease, at least without much pain =)
and I get to go back to school, can't stand the bitter medicine of staying at home, it is just too freaking boring for me
I can get to see my friends, and eat subway cookies! oooh how nice was that =)
haha, realised that I loved school after all, at least being able to see and talk to my classmates + friends, is really great! Staying at home is just too boring, even games can keep me entertained for so long
But then again, I can't go for huang cheng, which I want but I can't because I have no say when my father is around, oh well
haha, overall I am rejuvenated! today shall have a happy post. yay!
and I get to go back to school, can't stand the bitter medicine of staying at home, it is just too freaking boring for me
I can get to see my friends, and eat subway cookies! oooh how nice was that =)
haha, realised that I loved school after all, at least being able to see and talk to my classmates + friends, is really great! Staying at home is just too boring, even games can keep me entertained for so long
But then again, I can't go for huang cheng, which I want but I can't because I have no say when my father is around, oh well
haha, overall I am rejuvenated! today shall have a happy post. yay!
Monday, April 06, 2009
bored - day 2
oh well my ankle has been bandaged up like a mummy
mmm, and looking at myself now, stuck at home, like a mummy stuck as a sarcophagus
i think the month of april bears bad omens for me
2 accidents, back to back
visits to 2 different doctors, back to back
3 illnesses/injuries
somemore for someone who isn't in a sports related cca
aiyo, what has happened to me?
and now i am stuck in endless boredom, homework lay strewn on my table
mmm, and looking at myself now, stuck at home, like a mummy stuck as a sarcophagus
i think the month of april bears bad omens for me
2 accidents, back to back
visits to 2 different doctors, back to back
3 illnesses/injuries
somemore for someone who isn't in a sports related cca
aiyo, what has happened to me?
and now i am stuck in endless boredom, homework lay strewn on my table
Sunday, April 05, 2009
useless :'( - day 1
Gosh, I can be so useless!
Jump also cannot jump properly.
Now I am disabled on my right leg.
thank you kevin, you smart ass.
now you destined to be stuck to your crutches and all the restricting crap
and you might even have to miss school
you are damned freaking retarded, in the bad sense
mummy: you can ask me for any help, I am a veteran in this.
Jump also cannot jump properly.
Now I am disabled on my right leg.
thank you kevin, you smart ass.
now you destined to be stuck to your crutches and all the restricting crap
and you might even have to miss school
you are damned freaking retarded, in the bad sense
mummy: you can ask me for any help, I am a veteran in this.
oh my god.. my body has been suffering of late...
maybe its my fault, and I should stop playing basketball or staying up late
or are they merely just accidents, and hence I should continue my routine habits?
awww my poor body...
*winced from another sprained ankle, this time a different type of sprain.. I think I might have torn or stretched a new tendon*
maybe its my fault, and I should stop playing basketball or staying up late
or are they merely just accidents, and hence I should continue my routine habits?
awww my poor body...
*winced from another sprained ankle, this time a different type of sprain.. I think I might have torn or stretched a new tendon*
Friday, April 03, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
still sick
was basically nua-ing my whole day away..
for those who think that I can use all my free time doing up homework, but sorry I couldn't
Instead I had more and more sleep .. zzz
and all your food just suddenly taste damned bland
+ you have this constant dryness if your mouth.. argh
hates being sick
for those who think that I can use all my free time doing up homework, but sorry I couldn't
Instead I had more and more sleep .. zzz
and all your food just suddenly taste damned bland
+ you have this constant dryness if your mouth.. argh
hates being sick
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
a timeline of my temperature:
10+ am - 37.3
approx 12nn - 36.8 (there's something seriously wrong with the general office thermometer)
1.30pm - 37.8
2pm - 38
3.45pm - 38.3
6.50pm - 39.1
slept like 4 or 5 hours today at the class bench.
first time i skipped lessons.
stupid poke test had to be today, so i couldn't go home.
"alton! kevin's not going for huangcheng today."
"he's 38.3degC"
"is he ok?"
"does he look ok?"
and i poked someone!
- sleeps -
Monday, March 30, 2009
These are lines my parents only know what to say to me
"Sleep la, tomorrow morning cannot wake up"
"Do your homework"
"First thing you do when you come home is to switch on the computer and use MSN" - when I have evidently showered and took out my homework
"Don't know what you do in school during your free time, all your lunches and breaks could be used for studying"
"You are just a small member in 黄城, why bother putting so much effort?"
"Done your daily economics and GP? I haven't seen them!"
"PLAYING GAMES AH?" - and proceeds to lecture me when they have no evidence
"You look like a zombie"
seriously.. those are the ONLY lines they know.. maybe some variations here and there.. but generally those ideas...
if i don't go bonkers, I am a saint
"Do your homework"
"First thing you do when you come home is to switch on the computer and use MSN" - when I have evidently showered and took out my homework
"Don't know what you do in school during your free time, all your lunches and breaks could be used for studying"
"You are just a small member in 黄城, why bother putting so much effort?"
"Done your daily economics and GP? I haven't seen them!"
"PLAYING GAMES AH?" - and proceeds to lecture me when they have no evidence
"You look like a zombie"
seriously.. those are the ONLY lines they know.. maybe some variations here and there.. but generally those ideas...
if i don't go bonkers, I am a saint
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Red Cliff 2
I think red cliff 2 cooler than lord of the rings lehz
haha... the strategy is amazing, and the graphics too!
at least both sides are smart .. unlike in LOTR ppl just blindly attack
haha... the strategy is amazing, and the graphics too!
at least both sides are smart .. unlike in LOTR ppl just blindly attack
Basketball fanatic :D
another road
another road lies ahead
I have reached another junction
I see several footprints that go either way
they seem to be rather even out
neither road seems to have a higher popularity
but the new road I will choose
will be different
change my present lifestyle
and it might even be tougher
but it will theoretically allow me to reach my goal faster and more efficiently
I think I will take up the challenge
I can always revert back to my old road
But it will be longer and less efficient
So I shall try this new road
The road not travelled
Should I?
I have reached another junction
I see several footprints that go either way
they seem to be rather even out
neither road seems to have a higher popularity
but the new road I will choose
will be different
change my present lifestyle
and it might even be tougher
but it will theoretically allow me to reach my goal faster and more efficiently
I think I will take up the challenge
I can always revert back to my old road
But it will be longer and less efficient
So I shall try this new road
The road not travelled
Should I?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
tamper and tamperament
can't believe it
feeling the tear
feeling the wear
feeling the drain
why must the temper be tampered with, challenged
everyone's temperament cannot be tampered with constantly
but you just need to keep on doing that
can't you just show some love
even if you don't want to, at least withdraw your remarks
think through before you speak
there was once a show
where it said, "Words should not be used to hurt"
you should really think about your actions
other people have temper too
don't tamper theirs just to save yours
feeling the tear
feeling the wear
feeling the drain
why must the temper be tampered with, challenged
everyone's temperament cannot be tampered with constantly
but you just need to keep on doing that
can't you just show some love
even if you don't want to, at least withdraw your remarks
think through before you speak
there was once a show
where it said, "Words should not be used to hurt"
you should really think about your actions
other people have temper too
don't tamper theirs just to save yours
Friday, March 27, 2009
Missing you
have you ever had that feeling
when you knew 100% that you could have done it
you could have performed that feat
you even double checked
you even made efforts to clinch that coveted trophy
but then you failed, you missed
you spot some bloody shit mistake there
ok others might tell you.. just a mark, just 1 time..
but seriously, you just knew you could get it, but somehow something could still slip away!
what the shit
but you find it just hard to express your ennui, your anger
you just feel muffled,
you miss your freedom of speech
just because you don't want to hurt other people
and imagine being in that predicament numerous times
when you knew 100% that you could have done it
you could have performed that feat
you even double checked
you even made efforts to clinch that coveted trophy
but then you failed, you missed
you spot some bloody shit mistake there
ok others might tell you.. just a mark, just 1 time..
but seriously, you just knew you could get it, but somehow something could still slip away!
what the shit
but you find it just hard to express your ennui, your anger
you just feel muffled,
you miss your freedom of speech
just because you don't want to hurt other people
and imagine being in that predicament numerous times
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Song meanings of 70s songs
was cruising the internet to relieve my boredom, and stumbled across this very interesting and revealing website
inside are various people's opinions and interpretations of various hits in the 70s, which in my opinion are also really good songs.
check it out :)
(edit: I mis post this onto my class blog instead ._. )
inside are various people's opinions and interpretations of various hits in the 70s, which in my opinion are also really good songs.
check it out :)
(edit: I mis post this onto my class blog instead ._. )
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The school "holidays" are ending. Technically a holiday, so I treated it like a holiday... even without much regard for what's after it!
So how should I feel? Accomplished because I actually spent it like a holiday - slacking, gaming... Or should I be remorseful for the apparent lack of academic work completed?
I am unsure about this.. and that's weird, because taking a stand means something.. and sitting on the fence can probably mean you are indecisive, without regard for your sorry ass poked by the fence.
So how should I feel? Accomplished because I actually spent it like a holiday - slacking, gaming... Or should I be remorseful for the apparent lack of academic work completed?
I am unsure about this.. and that's weird, because taking a stand means something.. and sitting on the fence can probably mean you are indecisive, without regard for your sorry ass poked by the fence.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
@ H3 Computer Lab
apparently, I am like slacking here.
look left, look right
neopets, facebook, hotmail... and upon closer inspection.. you know who are the ones doing it :)
ok I shall be a good boy and go and listen to the lesson now.
(for now)
apparently, I am like slacking here.
look left, look right
neopets, facebook, hotmail... and upon closer inspection.. you know who are the ones doing it :)
ok I shall be a good boy and go and listen to the lesson now.
(for now)
Clinton, Bush and Washington... Sinking Ship | Get another Bill Clinton Joke » |
As the boat sinks, George Washington heroically shouts, "Save the women!"
George W. Bush hysterically hollers, "Screw the women!"
Bill Clinton's asks excitedly, "Do we have time?"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
–adverb 1. | attractive, esp. in a dainty way; pleasingly pretty: a cute child; a cute little apartment. |
2. | affectedly or mincingly pretty or clever; precious: The child has acquired some intolerably cute mannerisms. |
4. | Informal. in a cute, charming, or amusing way; cutely: In this type of movie the boy and girl always meet cute. |
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Went for a haircut at a "hairstylist salon" today.. not the HDB downstairs those kind.
Haha if you know me well enough, I will not do so unless there's an attractive promotion ($8 for men's dry cut)
Apparently, the hairstylist assumes that all students (I was wearing my uniform) want the "cool hair style", no slope behind and the leaving of the sideburn. In short, dry cut = dry trimming.
But it was quite an interesting experience, because I wanted to see how my hair could be styled, since I learnt that your hair styles can be affected by the hairstylists' personal styles! So mmm... (well I think my final haircut wasn't really nice though =/ )
Haha if you know me well enough, I will not do so unless there's an attractive promotion ($8 for men's dry cut)
Apparently, the hairstylist assumes that all students (I was wearing my uniform) want the "cool hair style", no slope behind and the leaving of the sideburn. In short, dry cut = dry trimming.
But it was quite an interesting experience, because I wanted to see how my hair could be styled, since I learnt that your hair styles can be affected by the hairstylists' personal styles! So mmm... (well I think my final haircut wasn't really nice though =/ )
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blocks are tomorrow!
and I still don't have the urge to study!!!
what's wrong with me oh my god! help!
and I still don't have the urge to study!!!
what's wrong with me oh my god! help!
Friday, March 06, 2009
A level Results
A levels got released today.
And there was this bunch of top scorers taking photographs with the CEO and vice CEO...
And I tell you I am going to stand there one day..
With a wig from Jia wen so I'll look different from the other guys :P
Watch me
And there was this bunch of top scorers taking photographs with the CEO and vice CEO...
And I tell you I am going to stand there one day..
With a wig from Jia wen so I'll look different from the other guys :P
Watch me
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Oh my god, have you all heard of it? It is really a best job in the world!
Easily AUS$10,000 / month
And you get to party / holiday in Australia's Great Barrier Reef!!!
Ahhhh <3
if you want to take a nice break from your mundane homework.. see the link above :)
Oh my god, have you all heard of it? It is really a best job in the world!
Easily AUS$10,000 / month
And you get to party / holiday in Australia's Great Barrier Reef!!!
Ahhhh <3
if you want to take a nice break from your mundane homework.. see the link above :)
Monday, March 02, 2009
57% of my life screwed up!
[x] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[x] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 2
[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total: 4
[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[ ] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total: 7
[ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm.
[x] Went on Myspace, Facebook, Xanga, Msn etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took Pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during School hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class.
Total : 11
[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a subject
[x] Ate food during class.
Total : 14
[x] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
Total : 16
[x] Faked your parents signature.
[x] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework.
Total: 19
Tag 10 of your friends.
Then Repost this & put the Title as "I screwed up __% of my teenage life".
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[x] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 2
[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
[x] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total: 4
[] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[ ] Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total: 7
[ ] Pulled down the Fire Alarm.
[x] Went on Myspace, Facebook, Xanga, Msn etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took Pictures during school hours.
[x] Called someone during School hours.
[x] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class.
Total : 11
[ ] Threw something at the teacher
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a subject
[x] Ate food during class.
Total : 14
[x] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
Total : 16
[x] Faked your parents signature.
[x] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework.
Total: 19
Tag 10 of your friends.
Then Repost this & put the Title as "I screwed up __% of my teenage life".
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