Sunday, May 10, 2009

On service learning

Admit it, many people conduct it for the portfolio goal in mind.
I mean, the humongous time and sweat spent on making someone else happy (long-term projects I mean, not those flag day stuff) could be "better" spent on going out with friends, chilling out at the beach, or just playing games and watching movies. Why bother planning so much when you can use that desired June/December holidays to pamper yourself? It is that feeling of the need to keep up with the rest that drives many to take up service-learning project. It is common understanding that any employer would prefer an employee who have done such project before to someone who don't, and prefer someone who did MORE than the other.
So essentially its like an arms-race, just that many don't see it... or don't admit it - they just want to appear "altruistic".

However, many also realise the happiness and enjoyment they derive from conducting such activities... even by-standers also smile at them in envy
Including me...
Sometimes you wish that you could be part of the project, playing with kids, mentoring them (majority of the SL projects involve mentoring btw)... but then soon after reality knocks on your door - you have previously decided not to be part of it
So is this a mistake on my part? For being envious of something which I could go but I didn't choose to go?
Or is this an intelligent choice I made? Being envious but saving alot of time in the long run?

I am not sure
Complexities of life are really ... complex

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