Friday, April 13, 2012

Bubble Me

I think I am really in love with bubble tea - at least for quite some time already. Once I am at Clementi central and I have some spare time (at least 5 minutes) I will definitely get myself bubble tea. Either from 5 Degree Tea or Shiny Tea or Koi.
And I am rather price elastic (but I have ruled out most others), so once the first two shops do not offer any promotion I will go to Koi. (:
And I somehow know the style of the bubble tea made by the shops I patronise. Some are more milky, some have a stronger tea taste, and some are just plain sweet.

I may cringe at others spending a few cents more for drinks at the coffee shop but I am certainly fine with myself spending $2.40 for some pre-made tea drink with milk and balls of flour. That's certainly weird and nonsensical.
Oh well but I certainly love them.

However, addiction does not mean uncontrolled consumption. I have a limit of only 1 bubble tea per day, only on really really rare occasions do I drink more than once. That rule only applies locally, Taiwan bubble tea is buy on sight and yes I am not bothered by that fact.
But once I drink one cup of bubble tea, my lust (yes I think its an apt word) for the drink is quenched and I will have no inclination to lap up any more of that brown coloured drink.
Furthermore, I will only drink Bubble Milk Tea at 50% sweetness. I do not like to drink other flavours as I only like the standard, once-ubiquitous, the-one-which-started-it-all drink.
Lastly, I am picky about the drink when the cups are offered at similar prices. I taste-test new shops I see by buying my standard tea.

So yes, addiction? Yes. But at least not to the point it hurts my wallet (:

But I really like bubble tea. Drinking them makes me blissful for that moment.

And to readers: don't ask me to buy for you bubble tea without expecting me to drink some too! Ok la, I will buy my own cup to satiate my own hunger, no other bubble teas harmed.

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