Sunday, November 25, 2007

i am not like most of my friends.
sleeping at 4am and waking up at 6am without going wobbly out of bed is not my forte, instead that will force me into a deeper slumber when I wake up.

oh my.
my head is really spinning.
lucky the bath brought me back to reality.. by at least 80%.
I still sorely miss the cuddly pillow, blanket and mattress (yes I sleep on a mattress)

oh shit.. its 11am wth ? my alarm clock did not ring? or issit this huge sleeping bloke was totally oblivious to the inevitable ringing of an alarm clock. wow this is cool.
so if you want show the world that alarm clocks in fact dont work, sleep very late.

this is a real tough challenge, sleep late wake up early.. this resulted in random sleeping spells at anywhere I can get my a55 on. literally...
heard of Class 95. ASS = Afternoon Sleeping Syndrome, it seems that I got one, and I need things to get off my ASS (literally and metaphorically).
Give me a chair with cushion, something that I wont slip off. Then give me 10 minutes, and you get the most common sight you only see during night time.

coffee plox..!!

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