And I might be overdue on posts.
Nonetheless, this is something worth to look at, to constantly remind yourself how good you are intrinsically.
And one more thing:
If you are ever bored, it's because you are not curious enough.
There are so many new things to discover each day. Even if you find yourself with nothing to do, just chilling out and watching scenery is itself something to do.
Friends ask me, how do I cope with all the stress?
Enjoy anything you do. I am lucky enough to have the luxury of being successful in some things that I do, but that is primarily because I like learning, whether it will be useful or not; because anything will be useful, it is a matter of when. Fight those unhealthy tendencies and thoughts that go something like "Why am I learning this shit?" or "It is not even going to help us next time!".
There's a difference between saying it for fun during lunch chat and actually believing in those statements.
I may not like studying some subjects. Neither do I like to see myself scribbling and pondering over some questions only to smack myself in the face when I see how simple the solutions are. I curse and swear at myself for stupidity, overlooking simple details or just careless mistakes. But do I actually let them affect me?
"Failure is a sign you are learning something new." Even if you have tried time and again and keep making mistake, it's a sign that:
1. You can try a new method to learn it.
2. You simply haven't learnt it that well, so learn again!
Oh and try listening to this Youtube channel, been my study music for this sem: Relax Daily